Chapter 3: The ultimate lie

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As I walk up to the rock by the lake I see someone sitting there, it was 5:30 so it was pretty dark I couldn't tell if it was Luke sitting there
"Luke?" I ask stopping a few feet away from the rock. As he turns I see that it is Luke, the moonlight reflecting off his face I can't help but notice the shadows under his eyes, but when he sees me his eyes light up I wasn't sure if it was just the moon or not.
"Alison? You actually came! I didn't think you would" he walks over, closing the gap between us in 2 strides, and lifts me up from the ground and spins me around.
"Of course I came, you asked me to" I say laughing with surprise at how happy he was to see me, it was unusual for him to act like this.
"Does your gran know that you are here? I don't want you to get into trouble..." he said the light in his eyes beginning to dim
"Yeah she knows, I've to be in at 8"
"Ok, well in that case follow me I've got a surprise for you" he takes my hand in his intertwining our fingers the way that your normal coupes do.
"Ok but you still have to explain what's wrong with you..." I remind him
"Alison, you would tell me if you were feeling under the weather right?" he said slowing his walk till we were stood still. He turned to face me, I suddenly felt nauseous, how could I explain how I was feeling without making myself look stupid?
"Alison, look at me, what's going on?" I could see the concern behind his green eye's
"Nothing its just...I'm scared I guess " I say looking up to his face, regretting it instantly. His eyes were wide and his face looked pale
"Scared? Scared of what?"
"Im scared of losing you Luke..." I stopped to see if he showed any sign of replying but he didn't look like he could reply so I went on "Luke after my uncle died I stopped trusting people, I wouldn't leave the house, I stopped talking to everyone. But you were there for me even though I didn't open up to you, you are the only person I trust Luke, if I lose you I have nothing. Everyone leaves me Luke, everyone gives up on me" I realized that I had started crying I wiped away the tears with the sleeve of my jumper
"Alison I am not going to leave you. I promise I will never give up on you. I will always be here for you" he said pulling me into his arms
"That's the thing Luke, you can't promise me that. You can't tell the future" I say
"I am promising you Alison I am not giving up on you. Never. So don't worry "

It was pitch black now, the only light was the strips of silver protected by the moon overhead. Me and Luke had sat down again just at the rivers waterfall, the light from the moon made the water look like it was a shimmering silver rather than clear. We sat there for another 2 hours in the dark talking about many things such as the school dance in 8 days, the football and cheerleader tryouts tomorrow and even the twins...
“So does it feel strange? Seeing Jamie again?” Luke asked, not really looking me in the eye
“Not really, I mean in a way kind off but the past is the past that's all I care about” I said with a laugh
“We should probably get you home, I don't want to give your mum another reason to hate me”
He got up our hands still intertwined as I went to get to my feet I slipped on the rock, Luke caught me the way he had this morning... The next thing I knew his lips were on mine in a soft unfamiliar way, it was passionate, easy, good, it felt right.
When we parted he took a step back but kept his arms around me
“Em... That was...” I struggle for word
“Strange?” he offered
“Yeah... Strange” I agreed
We walked back to my house in a awkward silence and instead of texting each other as soon as we parted like we always do, I just went to sleep. That's something I would regret later on.

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