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One week later.....
Corl POV:Its been one week and well I am still sick.The worst part is I I throw up mostly every day,I crave food, I will get pain here and there in my belly like someone is kicking me there,and the bump on my belly got little bigger.So I called the doctor and I got a appointment to see what's wrong with me.I hope it nothing serious.

The next day in the waiting room....

Corl POV:As I waited in the when I hear my name."Can Brandon come with me."I got up and went to her.We walk down a few hall with rooms and then we stoped."Here your room,wait in her ethe doctor will be here soon."see said leaving.A few minutes have past and the doctor came walking in the room."Hello Brandon,my name is Mr. syllabus and I will be your doctor today" he said with a smile on his face."So Brandon,it says here that you been throwing up a lot, getting cravings, getting pain in you belly and you belly been growing a lot.Thats weird that want happen to pregnant woman.Ok let's take a X-ray and then we can check why you keep throwing up.Then I can send you on you way.Okay follow me plzs"he said look at his clip board.I got up and we left the room.About 1 minute we were I. The X-rap room.

Skip to when he gets off the X-ray and there about to look at the results.

"Ok let's see what's wrong with your stomach"I look at the paper as his face drop."What's wrong"he looked so worried."Y-Your pregnant."he put down the paper."Your having twins your one week pregnant." Said looking at me dead in the eye.
You guys didn't expect that now did ya no you didn't  but y'all with never guess the father and this is a another cliffhanger y'all pissed to bad.i love teasing y'all.

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