A Pomanarian Coincidence

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Valerie's POV
I woke up at 7.00, it was a nice morning in Los Angeles. I took on my sport outfit and put my hair in a high ponytail.

My sport outfit ^

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My sport outfit ^

I got myself some oatmeal with blueberries and raspberries. That's like, the best breakfast in the world. I put on my headphones, got my dog leash, and put it on my black pomanarian named Lady. Lady can't walk far wich is going to be tough, because I am going hiking. I'll let her sit in my backpack when she gets tired.

I exited my house and started walking to the mountains. For some weird reason, I felt like this day would go perfect. When we got to the mountains, we started walking. Lady always loved it when we would go hiking. I did too. In a weird way, I always get energetic when I work out. When we were at the top, Lady got tired so she needed to get in my backpack, in a way that she could look behind me. I never go the same way down as up, I always slide of the mountain.

Just as I was trying to put Lady in my backpack, a really buff guy ran up to me with a pomanarian on a leash and a camera in his other hand. "Hey, do you also have a pomanarian?" "Yes I do." I said with a smile on my face. "What's his name?" "It's a she, and her name is Lady." "A she?" He said, looking at my dog in a dirty way. Lady was playing around with Kong, and they tangled their leashes together. "Our dogs should be friends!" He said excited. "Yeah that would be so nice for lady." "And for Kong." he then looked dirty to his camera.

"Why don't you come to my appartement tonight? So Kong and Lady can become friends." "Sure. Why not? Here's my number." I said, giving him my number. "Thanks, I'll see you later!" "See ya!" I said, putting Lady in my backpack. After Lady was put in the backpack, I slid down the hill.

When I got home, I jumped on the couch. What just hapened? I gave my number to some stranger, because we had the same dog. I am really smart. (note to my sarcasm.)
I took a shower and washed myself. When I was done I got dressed and watched some Netflix.

 When I was done I got dressed and watched some Netflix

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My outfit^

I got a call from someone.
"Hey, this is that guy from earlier. My name is Logan by the way."
"Well, hey Logan, my name is Valerie."
"Hey Valerie, do you want to come over with Lady?"
"Sure, but I don't know where you live."
"I'll come pick you up."
"Do you know where I live?"
"It could be that I secretly followed you."
"You are such a big stalker."
"Well, this stalker is coming to pick you up! And your dog!"
"Okay, see you then!"

When Logan and Kong came to my house in the Woods, and Logan's mouth fell open. "I mean, we could stay at your place. I don't need to vlog it." "Sure!" When Logan got in the living room and looked around. "How were you able to affort this house?" My aunt used to live here, but she died in a car accident." I say, my voice cracking at the word "died". "The house was a heritage." Logan hugged me. "I'm so sorry Kayla." "It's okay, I just miss her." Logan hugged me tighter and I hugged him back. We stood there for 20 seconds untill Kong thought something was wrong and started barking. I smiled.

Valerie's house ^

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Valerie's house ^

"Do you want anything to drink?" "A glass of water would be nice." I went to the kitchen and got 2 glasses of water. When I got in the living room I saw Logan playing with Kong and Lady. I smiled. "Here is your water." I say, placing the glasses on the table. "Do you want to watch a movie?" "Sure." I let Logan pick a movie on Netflix while I grabbed some popcorn. Logan chose the movie Valerian. "Why that movie?" "Because Valerian sounds like Valerie."

When we watched the movie Logan was holding Lady, and I was holding Kong. "It was a real coincidence seeing you with Lady." He said, pointing at Lady. "Yeah, Lady and Kong seem to really like eachother."

"Well it's getting late." Logan said, getting up. I better get going." Logan and I walked to the door." When will I see you again?" "What about tomorrow. Then we'll go to your appartement." "alright. You'll get to meet my roommates. But they're a bit weird, but you'll like them." I smiled. "I'm sure I will."

What do you think so far? Tell me if I should change something. And would you please:

If you did that, that would make my day! I will upload new chapters every sunday, and every thursday on my other story. You should check that one out too!

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