George, just don't

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I woke up at 7.00 again. I always wake up at 7.00 because it gives me energy. I put on my sport clothes and I braided my hair in boxer braids. I ate my oatmeal with raspberries and blueberries. I put on Lady's leash and started walking. Today, we wouldn't go hiking. I just wanted to go through the woods.

At the end of the woods there was this stream, that followed to a river

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At the end of the woods there was this stream, that followed to a river. I would sometimes go there, to clear my head. I sat on this huge rock that pointed above the stream. The water was very clear. When I looked at it, I could see the fishes. I took the leash off of Lady, to wich she automatically dan to the river and jumped in it. I laughed. "Well if you do that, I have go too." I took off my shoes, bracelet and I took out my phone.

I did a canonball in the water and swam to Lady. I played around in the water with her. I saw that Lady was trying to eat some of the fishes in the water.
When we were done I got my stuff and walked back to take a shower and dry Lady so her hair would be fluffy again. I remembered Logan again. He had given me his adress. I put on a cute outfit and exited my house to my car.

 I put on a cute outfit and exited my house to my car

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My outfit ^

I turned on the radio and started singing to a list of songs. Everytime there was a stoplight, I would even go all in with Lady. When I came to Logan's place, I saw this building. I went inside and got to Logan's appartement and ringed the doorbell. Logan opened the door. "Heey Kayla!" "Hey Logan, I brought Lady with me." I said as Lady suddendly jumped out of my arms to go to Kong in his cage. Lady tried to jump over the fence, but it didn't work. "Aww, Lady." Logan said sad. "You can't reach Kong?" Logan let Kong out of his cage. "There you go buddy."

"Logan why am I hearing a bird?" "Oh, you mean Maverick?" Logan grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a door. "Logan where are we going?" "My bedroom." "Ho, let's take it easy." Logan laughed. Don't worry Kayla. Maverick is in that room." "Oowh. Let's go then." When I went to the room I saw a pretty and colorfull bird. "Maverick is pretty." "Thanks. Most people are scared of him." "Why?" "I actually don't know."

Suddendly, the door opens wide. A guy with black hair stands in the doorway. "Logan, whe- ooh, hello. My name is George, but you can call me the love of your life." "Hello, my name is Kayla.." "So, are you that girl Logan has been talking about?" I shrug. "Maybe." "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" George said, unbuttoning his shirt. "Well it is hot." I say. "We should go outside."

When we got outside I saw Logan's friends. "Hi everyone. I'm Kayla." "Hey. I'm Johannes." A bald guy said. "I'm Mark." A tall guy said. "I'M GEORGE." George said from behind. I chuckled. "You already told me that." "But maybe you didn't hear me." "Well Logan, what are we going to do?" I said.

I hadn't thought that far. "Well it has been a while since I went to the gym." Johannes said. "Let's go then!" Logan said. "But I don't have my sport outfit." "I give you two options. Or you work out in those clothes, or you work out in your underwear." "I choose option number one." George begged. "Please pick number two." "So where are Kong and Lady going?" "We can let them in Kong's cage. It will be tight, but that's how Kong likes it." I laughed at Logan's dirty joke. "I bet he does." Logan put Kong and Lady in Kong's cage.

We went to the gym and I did squats as Logan did pull-ups, George lifted weights, Mark did sit-ups and Johannes was planking. I saw that George was behind me, most like likely looking at my butt. "George I can feel your eyes at my ass." Whaaaaat. I'm just looking outside." I rolled my eyes and moved on.

"Guys this is really tight in these clothes." "Then you should take them off."George said, looking at my body." George, really dude?" I heard Logan say while laughing." Fine, but I'm only taking off my crop top." "Go Kayla!" Logan yelled, like he didn't act like it was a bad idea at first. I took off my crop top, to be in my shorts and bra. It felt exposing, but I really didn't want to keep working out in those clothes.

After 20 minutes I went over to planking, when I saw George planking next to me. George, just don't. "Alright, but I am going to look at your body." "Sure, I guess." When I went over to the weights. "Guys, what weights should I pick?" Before George could answer, Logan answered. "Here, take these." Logan gave me 4 kilogram weights. I smiled at the shirtless Logan. "Thanks, Logan." "No problem."

Logan at the gym^

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Logan at the gym^

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