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Neveah had just came back from camp a couple of days ago and not going to lie, I'm beyond excited to see her again. I mean can you blame me? The girl went to camp for a whole month, plus the only time that I was able to see her was on visiting day.  I'm also not gonna lie and say that I'm not nervous, because oh Lord knows  I'm hella nervous. Mainly because I have no clue if our bond will still be the same, like what if we end up being distant and awkward towards each other? Then what am I supposed to do? What if she found some other dude? Like I've been to that camp before and its so easy to just catch feelings and hook up with other people. 

I took a deep breath. I really need to stop thinking about all the negative things that could happen. I mean Neveah is back! I can't wait to just hang out and talk to her again. I really did miss her. Like what's not to miss about her. Her laugh, oh gosh her laugh is so contagious. You could always count on her laugh to just make your day, like you can have the shittiest day and her laugh will just lift up your mood. Her positivity is just another thing, she's always so optimistic, she never fails to look at the brighter side of things. She's usually always so happy and full of energy, she's either always smiling, telling jokes, laughing or hyping someone up. She's also so intelligent, gosh! Like some of the conversations that we've had! She always has me thinking, she's taught me so many things.  Damn...I guess I really did fall for her.

I know some people are going to be like "Yo its only been a month, stop trippin." But I'm not trippin. Its just weird not being able to be with her for so long. We literally hung out during the school year and during the summer. Not going to lie, it would be awesome if she was my girlfriend but  I don't it feels like it's too soon. We're still getting to know each other, we're still building up our relationship. I was shaken out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. "Yo bro are you ready?" Nash asked, I cleared my throat. "Yeah I'll be out in a sec." I told him as I started to put on my jeans, shirt and socks that I had picked out earlier. 

I opened to door and walked down the hall to the living room where I saw Nash sitting on the couch. I looked around the room and didn't see Taylor. "Is your girlfriend not coming with us?" I asked him, he shook his head. "Nah she's kinda busy today. But she said to give Neveah a big hug for her." He said I nodded. He got up. "Come on, lets put on our shoes and head out to Neveah's house." He said, we walked down the stairs and got our shoes out of the shoe closet. We both put on our shoes and head out of the house making sure to lock the door before we walked to Neveah's house. 

"You excited to see her again?" He asked me, I looked at him and smiled while nodding. "Of course why wouldn't I be?" I asked, he just shrugged and smiled back at me. "I don't know! But anyways does she know that were on our way?" He asked again, I just nodded. "Yeah her mom told her that we're both on our way to their place." I replied as we continued to walk towards her place. "Oh and by the way bro, I might need to leave a bit early. " He said, I just nodded and patted his back. "Its cool bro, don't worry about it." I told him. We knocked on Neveah's door and her mom opened up the door.

Her mom looked at us with a big grin on her face. "Well what are the both of you waiting for? Come on in and make yourselves at home. Y'all know where everything is!" She told us, we chuckled and walked in removing our shoes. We all walked up the stairs and sat around the kitchen island. "Are you guys hungry or thirsty?" Her mom asked us once again, we shook our head. "Oh no mama Neveah, we're alright. Thank you for the offer though." Nash said, she nodded. "So school is starting up again, how the both of y'all feeling?" She asked, we both took deep breaths. 

Nash cleared his throat. "I know for sure that I'm nervous as hell, I mean I'm starting Uni, its nerve wracking." He said, I nodded. "I mean mine isn't as scary as his but its Junior year so I'm kinda scared cause this year matters so much and Universities are already starting to pay attention to me so its just really nerve wracking." I said. "You can say that again!" Neveah said, I turned around and saw her walking towards us . I smiled and got up to hug her. "How you been? How was camp?" I asked still hugging her while swaying back and forth. "I've been really good actually, I feel really calm and refreshed. I really need that break cause I was over working myself. I missed you, both of you." She said looking at both of us after I let her go. 

I smiled at her. "I'm glad, how are you feeling about school though?" Nash asked, we all sat down on the couch. "Now I'm trusting all of you guys to be responsible adults because I need to leave for work but I'll see y'all later. Okay?" Her mom asked, we nodded at her and hugged her good bye. "I'm kinda nervous about starting school. I mean its Junior year. Hayes and I are finally upper classmen so we're technically leaders since the lower classmen are looking up at us." She said. "Plus all the Universities are paying a lot of attention to us to make sure that we have what they want." I added on. "I don't know its just a lot of pressure and stress." Neveah finished. Nash nodded. "I thought the same thing and yeah Junior year is hard and scary but its also so much fun." He said.

"What makes it fun?" I asked. "Like since so many people can drive, y'all can go off campus and just go wherever you want at lunch. Also since the both of y'all will be doing part time running start you guys will have a taste of freedom cause no one will be on your case about your classes at the college. Plus you're both DECA officers so you both will have so much input on what goes on in that class. You just get to explore what you're into this year." He said, we nodded our heads. Nash looked at his watch. "Well it looks like I need to get going. Its so nice to see you again Neveah. I'm glad that you liked camp and good luck with your Junior year!" He said while getting up. Neveah thanked him and hugged him bye. "I'll see you later lil bro." He told me, I nodded at him as he left.

Neveah sat back down next to me. "So your the only one that didn't leave me huh?" She asked smiling. "You already know girl!" I said, we both looked at each other and laughed. "Stooop it." She said as she slightly pushed me, I continued to chuckle. "I've missed you, ya know." She said once she stopped laughing, I smiled and wrapped me arm around her moving her body closer to mine. She laid her head on my chest. "I missed you too. But aye we got so much time together. You already know this year is going to be mad lit." I told her, she nodded. "You already know!" She said, I chuckled.

"We're really about to be juniors though." She said getting serious, I rubbed her arm and nodded. "Yeah, I know. Its nerve wracking. Especially with everything that we're doing this year." I said. "But hey at least we have two classes together!" She said smiling. "I have a good feeling about this year." I said mirroring her smile. "Also you know that I was nervous about how our bond would be like." I continued, she looked up at me to show that she was listening I sighed letting all my worries go. "Like I was nervous that our bond won't quite be the same. Like we haven't really talked to each other since the day you left. Yeah we sent each other letters, we texted each other. We kinda talked during visiting day but it just wasn't the same ya know?" I said, she nodded. "So I don't know, I thought that things would be kinda weird, like we wouldn't be able to talk." I said. 

She cleared her throat. "And what do you think about how our bond is right now?" She asked, I smiled at her. "I'd have to say that we're closer than we were before and I love it." I said. "Ya know I also thought that you would find some other guy when you were at camp." I said, she chuckled and shook her head. "Naah, I already have my eye on this one guys who is just absolutely amazing. The other guys don't even have a chance." She said looking at me. Not gonna that gave butterflies. It also made me sure   happy that she didn't find some other guy, but other people are right if we don't make our relationship official then other people might come into the picture. "And your the only girl that I have my eye on." I said.

Her smile got so big. "Oh word?" She asked, I chuckled and nodded. "Word." I said. We sat on the couch just talking about our expectations for this year, what we would want our future to be like, things from the past that we would change. We ate some left overs. Not going to lie, seeing her and talking to her again just made my feelings for her even stronger. I don't know what it is about but she's just AMAZING, she's everything that I want. I'm already hooked and we're not together.

Haayy guys! What's up? What's good? I'm baaaccckkk!!! Lol I've been here, I came back from camp like last week so ya know things have been kinda crazy since school started just a couple of days ago. Like y'all you're girl's for real a JUNIOR!!! WTTFFF?! That's just crazy. But anyways how have y'all been? What grade are y'all going into? What are y'all looking forward too? What do y'all think about Neveah and Hayes?!

From Yhur 1 And Only Yvonne <3

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