The Return of Ash

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My ribs ache with pain as Tovar and Blade chase Aspen and I, whooping with glee. This sure is a long cave, I grumble in my head.

Finally, a tiny ray of light makes it's way on the hard stone floor. Yes, we're almost at the end! Exited, I pick up a bit more speed, yearning to get out, when I suddenly realize that I accidentally stepped on ice.

Terrified, I scramble to my feet again, but it's too late. Blade grabs me by the shoulders and brings me down, while Tovar is still focused on chasing Aspen. Blade and I struggle against each other, trying to kill each other, until finally he sits on top of me.

"Well, I hate to say this Lily, but you are going down-AHH!" Suddenly, the cave curling opens and Blade and I float up in the air, stopping at a certain altitude. Around me, I also see Eisley, Britney, Tovar, Aspen, Mackenzie, and Hazel staring down with bewildered expressions. What are the Gamemakers expecting, a fight between all of us in thin air?

Before my thoughts can answer my questions, though, a strong gust of wind blows Britney, Tovar, and Blade away towards the forest, while the rest of us are just teleported to the exit of the cave, where we then land. After everyone gets over their awe, we take a look at where we are.

The Gamemakers have captured a wonderful vision of District 4. Around us is the complete opposite of our former, snowy, region, with a hot, watery area, with marshes and streams everywhere. Birds chirp above us, forming little nests in the large lake, and you'd have to keep a wary eye out for mosquitoes buzzing around everywhere. Baby lizards crawl around muddy banks. At first, I even think that I am at home, until I realize that I volunteered for my older sister.

Finally, Mackenzie breaks the silence.

"Well, guess we split?"

"Yeah," Eisley is the next to come to their senses. "I'll hunt."

"Me too," Hazel says, shrugging. "Lily? Aspen? Guess you'll find plants or...?"

"Y-yeah," I stutter, still amazed. When Hazel, Eisley, and Mackenzie are off towards the edge of a mudbank, I proclaim, "Let's gather some rocks."

"Yeah, sure," Aspen returns, looking at me. Damn, it's challenging to not get lost in those dreamy, brown eyes...

"Hey, uh, ya gonna help me on this or not?" He suddenly asks.

"What? Oh right..." I grumble, snapping out of my daze. I swear, even Aspen looks a bit red.

Soon, the sun is setting as our whole pack chews on the roots Aspen and I dug up and the prey everyone else caught. For the first time, there's actually such a plentiful supply of food that we can go for seconds.

The hot temperature has dropped to a decent temperature, and we are getting ready to sleep on the soft, cool grass. I can't help but suspect that there is a reason the Gamemakers gave us such a nice period of time.

They have got to be planning something... is the last thing I think before dozing off.

I wake up to a strange, scratching sound that seems to be coming in the direction of the lake. I shake Hazel, waking her up, and she soon hears the sound as well. We walk towards there, shivering so hard the animals within a mile radius must have scampered off. But what really frightens us is the thing rising up from the lake.

It is about the size of a human, with long, tangled dark hair and brown skin covered in mud. It's mouth opens to reveal a ray of sharp little white teeth. Scars cover its limbs, still dripping in blood. And those eyes, those fierce dark gray eyes that threaten death warnings to everyone around its, where have I seen them before? Snow? Mother? The shark? Then, it finally hits me.

"Ash." Hazel and I whisper at the same time.

Saying her name was a mistake. The 'Ash' creature lunges towards us, bearing more hatred and danger than before, when she was alive. Hazel and I gasp and run; there's no way we can defeat this beast. But 'Ash' continues to chase us, snarling and growling with angry hunger.

We continue running for forever until we are nearing some trees. Hazel and I grasp onto branches and start climbing up desperately, until we are so high that the beats cannot get us, or so we thought.

'Ash' whispers, "Not so fast," before revealing silver, razor sharp claws, slashing into our tree.

It is just one little scrape, but the tree sways dangerously. Hazel and I cling onto it for dear life, preparing for the worst to come. Our hearts must have been beating a hundred miles per hour, forming a human record for people our age.

And that is when 'Ash' begins climbing. She is only a few feet away from us when she whispers, "Prepare for the worst.", and then suddenly slinks down the tree, returning to the lake.

Hazel and I timidly climb down, worried that one wrong move will lure 'Ash' here again, not speaking one single word until we reach our camp.

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