Chapter Twelve - Sundays With My Ex

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Ryan's POV

It had been a week since I got out of the hospital, and as I sat at the breakfast counter in the hotel room, Alison with her arms across her chest sitting across from me, I had an internal debate on what to say.

A week ago, as we sat in the hospital room, I had found out that the child she had raised for the past year was in fact mine. After telling me in the beginning that it was someone elses, I could see now, quite clearly really, that Max was in fact my son. 

"We have to talk about this at some point Ryan." She said as she ran her finger around the top of her tea cup.

"I honestly don't think there's much to say Alison." I said flatly as I continued eating the bowl of cereal in front of me. 

She let out a sigh before standing and gathering her things. 

"Where are you going?" I asked, thinking that she wouldn't have given up that easily.

She said, "I remember loving you, all of the good shit and all the bad shit too. I remember hating you, for all the right things you never tried to do. I remember needing you, call me an addict, to your elastic moods. I'm packing every memory that we made in a suitcase." 

At this point, I wasn't quite sure how to react. I wasn't quite sure what I was meant to do. So I did the only thing I could think to do. 

I stood from my stool, walking towards Alison, intent on making one last move. I knew that in the past, we hadn't exactly been through the best of times, but we had been through a lot, and I wasn't about to let her leave again. Not when she had just recently told me she had had my child and not her exes.

"Alison," I started as I stood in front of her.

"Save it Ryan." She said as she turned away from me.

"Ali please." I said as I grabbed onto her wrist lightly, trying to keep her from going.

"What? What could you possibly have to say?" She asked in anger.

"I know we've been through a lot. I know I can be an asshole. I know I've messed up. I've said things in the heat of the moment that I never meant to say, or meant to mean. But Alison, you hid Max from me for months. I think we know who is in the wrong here." I said.

"I know. I'm sorry." She said softly. 

"Maybe, for Max's sake, we could try to fix things. At least be friends again, you know?" I suggested.

"A trial run then?" She asked.

"I guess we could consider it that." I said.

"Okay." She said simply.

"So, where is Max?" I asked as I released her wrist.

"With Ben. Ben's quite happy with the idea of having a nephew. He can't wait to be able to buy him shoes and clothes, dress him up just like himself." Alison said as she smiled at the ground.

"I'll make sure he has some hipster clothes as well." I joked.

"Of course." Ali giggled.

"I'm kind of hungry. Do you want to go out and get something to eat by chance?" I asked.

"I'd love to." She said, "Should we bring Max?"

"I don't see why not. Ben will probably want to go along as well." I said.

"I'll go get them." She said with as smile as she walked towards the door.

"Hey Ali?" I said.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"I'm glad you're back. Here, with me." I said as I looked towards the floor.

"It's good to be back." She said.

She then went to get Ben and Max, returning minutes later with them both behind her. Ben sent me a look that said he was proud of me for finally talking to her. 

"Want to hold him?" Ben questioned me as he adjusted Max on his hip.

"Sure." I said as I took him in my arms.

He cuddled into me comfortably, almost as if he was holding on for dear life. Alison smiled at the sight in front of her. 

"He never took onto Guy like that." Alison said softly.

"It's like he knows." I said just as quietly.

"Maybe he does." Alison said with a shrug.

"Maybe." I said as I looked down at Max.

"Ready to go then?" Ben asked as he tossed his keys in the air before catching them again.

"Yeah." I said as I looked at him happily.

And so we went out onto the streets of Zurich. We had been here for two days now, having a show tomorrow night. It was always a nice place to come, and the fans were some of the best. And Zurich was also a place we didn't normally have to worry about paps coming around.

Sadly, we were mistaken. When we returned to the hotel later that night, I could tell that the paps had indeed caught us out, and there was a lot of talk going around. 

Headlines like: Ryan Lewis And Macklemore's Sister Back Together At Last? 

A Haggerty And Lewis Baby? It's Not What It Sounds Like.

Has A Trip To Zurich Resulted In A Rekindled Flame? 

"I should've known this would happen." I sighed.

"Ryan, it was bound to happen." Alison said from beside me as she placed one hand on my shoulder, the other holding Max on her lap.

"I don't want him in the media. He's too young." I said as I closed my laptop and tossed it to the other end of the sofa. 

"Well we can't very well keep him locked up Ryan." She said.

"I know, I just..." I trailed as I ran a hand through my hair.

"You just what?" She asked.

"I just don't want to lose you again, or him." I said as I turned and placed a kiss on her temple before placing a soft one on Max's head.

"What about this Alexis girl? What are you going to do about her?" Alison asked.

"I don't think Alexis is going to be a problem anymore." I said knowingly.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"I'm sure. I'm sure because I don't want to be with her anymore. I've got you back. And Max. That's all I need. That's all I want." I said.

She smiled up at me, tears building in her eyes. I could tell she was happy though. She was happy that this was finally happening. She had been alone for months, or so I had heard. Her and Guy hadn't lasted long. But now she was here, with me. 

"I want this to work Ryan. For Max if nothing else." She said.

"I'm going to try my hardest to make this work, but you've got to workwith me on this, okay?" I said.

"Okay." She nodded in understanding. 

And with that, we started a new page in our lives. It was time to start over. 

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