Chapter Fourteen - Fear Is Dark, And So Is Death

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Alexis' POV

"Alexis. Wake up." A voice said, waking me up from my peaceful sleep.

"Do I have to?" I groaned.

"We need to catch our flight in a few hours. So yes." The voice said.

I opened my eyes to find Ryan beside me, staring intently at me. I let out a yawn as I stretched and slowly got up from the bed. He watched me as I gathered my things from his room, an unreadable expression on his face.

"What's wrong Ryan?" I asked as I pulled a shirt over my head and my sweatpants from the previous night.

"What happened last night, that shouldn't have happened." He said as he shook his head.

"Oh.' I said softly, disappointed that he was obviously serious about this whole Alison thing. 

"Alexis look," He said with a sigh before continuing, "What we had, it was fun, but Alison and I. We were married, and I've always loved her. And I want to help her raise my son, I need to. I'm sorry, but this," He said gesturing between the two of us, "This needs to end."

"Okay." Was all I could think to say.

I quickly gathered the rest of my things before heading for the door. I couldn't look at Ryan at this point. I left his room, not saying another word. I crossed the hall to my room, entering to find Bree sat on the sofa sobbing hysterically.

"Bree? Is everything alright?" I asked. 

"T-The baby." She cried in pain.

"Shit, I'll get Ben." I said as I was fully awake now, knowing what this meant.

I sprinted back out of the room and down a door to Ben's knocking furiously. When he answered, he saw the expression on my face and automatically knew what was wrong. 

"Open the door." He said impatiently.

I slipped the card in the door before opening the door and quickly entering, Ben at my heals. He sprinted past me and over to the sofa where Bree was still crying out in pain.

"Sweetheart, calm down. Everything will be okay." Ben said, trying to keep her calm.

"It hurts Ben." she sobbed.

"You're getting ready to have a baby, that normally happens." Ben said with a smirk.

Bree looked up at him with a small chuckle before clenching her stomach again and crying out in pain. Ben moved fast, picking her up and heading for the door.

"Grab her bag over there," He said pointing to a bag that was prepacked specifically for this occasion, "And get Ryan. Meet us down at the car." 

He grabbed the set of rental keys off of the coffee table sat infront of him before carrying Bree out of the room and towards the elevator. I quickly grabbed the bag and headed across the hall, knocking on Ryan's door an abundance of times until he finally answered.

"What is it?" He asked looking slightly annoyed.

"Bree. Baby. Now." I breathed out quickly before gesturing towards the elevator.

"Let me get shoes and a shirt. I'll be right out." He said before turning and going back into his room. 

Seconds later he joined me in the hall, motioning to the elevator. We rode down to the lobby in silence, not really having much to say to each other. We quickly made our way to the rental car and found Ben sat in the back with Bree, trying to get her to calm down and breathe.

"Ryan, drive." Ben said as we neared.

Ryan nodded in understanding as he climbed into the driver's seat, me in the passenger's, and we started for the nearest hospital. When we got there ten minutes later, Ben rushed Bree straight inside and Ryan and I searched the parking lot for a spot to park. Once we found one, we quickly walked into the hospital and found Ben and Bree immediatly, Bree just being put into a wheel chair before being rushed off. 

Ben told Ryan to follow as he needed to fill out some paperwork. So Ryan went along with Bree while I stood with Ben, watching him rush through the paperwork. When he had finished, he looked over to me.

"Did you grab her bag?" He asked.

I pointed to the bag that was positioned on my back before throwing him a small reassuring smile. 

"Thank you. Come on then." He said as he motioned towards where the lady at the desk had told him to go. 

I followed closely behind, wondering why exactly they wanted me here seeing as I hardly knew Bree. As we reached the room Bree was in, Ben asked for the bag and told me I'd have to wait outside the room for now seeing as only family was allowed in, and he was the closest thing she had right now. I nodded at him in understanding as I handed him the bag and took a seat on one of the chairs outside the room. 

I was soon joined by Ryan who sat next to me and let out a sigh. 

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said. 

We sat in silence for what felt like forever, occasionally hearing Bree scream out in pain. After a few hours, nurses began rushing in and out of the room, worried looks on most of their faces. Ryan and I looked at each other in concern, hoping that everything was okay.

Eventually, something had caused them to push Ben out of the room, leaving him to furiously yell at them, wanting to be in the room with Bree. Ryan eventually got Ben to calm down, only to have him start crying.

"Ben, what is it? What's wrong?" Ryan asked him.

He tried to tell us, but just ended up crying even harder.  He just shook his head in disbelief of the events taking place behind the hospital room door. 

"Ben you've got to talk to us. What is it? What's happened?" Ryan asked.

"She didn't make it." He sobbed softly.

"Oh Ben I'm sorry, I know how much you wanted this baby." Ryan said sympathetically.

"Not the baby. He's fine. It's Bree." He cried. 

"Br-Bree? Sh-She's gone?" Ryan stuttered.

Ben nodded his head, and Ryan looked at the floor in disbelief. I felt bad for them. I mean, I barely knew Bree, but I knew she meant the world to both Ben and Ryan. It couldn't be easy for either of them. 

"Mr. Haggerty?" The doctor questioned from the doorway of the room.

"Yes?" Ben asked hopefully as he turned around to face him.

"Could you please come back in?" The doctor asked.

Ben looked at Ryan and I before going back into the room. We could only hope that it was good news, that maybe Bree wasn't gone after all, but we all knew that was going to be something only a miracle could bring.

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