Chapter 11 - Crashing Down

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Crashing Down

Ryan's POV

I don't remember how I got here. I don't remember my first drink, or the second, or the multiple after that. I don't remember stumbling out of the bar, but I know I did seeing as I was stumbling around this alleyway. 

I don't remember buying it. But here I was stood in the bathroom of my hotel room. I didn't remember how I had made my way here either. But that didn't matter. 

It was easy wasn't it? Going from completely fine to this. Going from happy to fighting for your own happiness. From knowing what you want in life, to just wanting it to be over. Wanting to end it all. 

There was a voice in the back of my head telling me to just stop this, that I would be fine. But the voice at the front was telling me to do it. To just get it over with. That it would only take seconds, and then it would all be over. And then I wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore. 

But there was something stopping me...

Before I had time to think about it, someone had grabbed my hands and taken the plastic bag out of them. They had tossed the bag quickly into the toilet before flushing it. I tried, I really did try to see who it was, but before I could focus in on their face, my vision got ten times more blurry. Before I could catch myself, I felt my head hit the floor.

And that was it.

Total darkness...

Ali's POV

I watched as he internally battled himself, staring intently at the bag in his hands for a few minutes. Finally I had had enough. I strode over, taking the bag from his hands and throwing it into the toilet, flushing it quickly.

But just as quickly as I had done that, was the same amount of time it took for Ryan to come crashing down, his head hitting the floor with a thud. And then nothing. He was silent. He was still. 

"Ryan?" I asked, my voice laced in concern as I bent down to see if he was still breathing. 

But what I hadn't imaginined happening was to find him breathless. His pulse, nonexistant. Was this it? Was this the end? 

Ben's POV

As I sat in my hotel room, debating with myself on whether or not to go talk with Bree about everything, I was jolted by a scream coming from Ryan's room. But it wasn't just any scream. It was Alison.

I jumped from the bed and sprinted out the door and across the hall, intensly knocking on the door. I soon heard someone fumbling with the door handle, soon to have the door thrown open and Alison look up at me, tears covering her face as she sobbed hysterically. 

"Ben, h-hes g-gone." She cried.

I slid past her and through Ryan's room, heading for the bathroom where the light was on. When I walked in, I was shocked to find him on the floor, not making a movement at all.

"What happened?!?" I yelled at Alison as she stood in the door way, still crying.

"I walked in here to find him hold..." She stopped, as it was too hard to say.

"Holding what Alison!" I yelled.

"He had... he had drugs Ben." She said as she fell to the ground in a heap of tears. 

"Oh god." I said as I turned my attention to Ryan's lifeless body.

I quickly pulled my phone out, calling an ambulance. They told me not to touch him until they got there, so I turned my attention back to Alison. I slid over to her, pulling her onto my lap and just holding her. 

Despite them having been a part for over a year, I knew she would always care for him. They had been through hell in back. Hell, Ryan had been through Alison almost dying multiple times. This couldn't be easy for Ali. 

"Ali?" I questioned lightly as we sat there, her crying calming down to a light sob now.

"Yeah?" She sniffled.

"You never told him did you?" I asked.

"I meant to tonight. That's why I was here." She said sadly.

"God, he would've been so happy." I said with a sigh.

"I doubt it. I've hid it from him for so long. He'd probably be pissed." She said, "But I guess we will never know."

"Hey, it's not over yet. I won't let it be over yet." I said as I placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Ben?" She questioned.

"Yeah sis?" I asked.

"Do you think he would've been a good father?" She asked.

"Well," I started, only to be inturupted by the paramedics finally arriving.

"What's happened?" One of them asked.

"Well, I think he's had a bit too much to drink." Alison answered.

"Well we will get him to the hospital and see what we can do." The other paramedic said.

"Thank you." Alison and I said together.

Alison and I both headed to the hospital in the rental car, following directly behind the ambulance. When we reached the hospital, they put Ryan straight into a room, telling us that we had to wait in the waiting room until they could see if they could help him at all. 

It felt like forever, but half an hour later, the doctor who had been working on him came out letting out a sigh as he saw us. It was the same doctor that had helped Alexis.

"Well?" I asked, hope clear in my voice.

"His pulse and breathing are back again, but he's just sleeping now. It's what a good hangover will need. If you'd like to go in you may, but just let him sleep it off. And I'd advice him being here a few days so we can keep an eye on him." The doctor said.

"Okay. Thank you doc." I said as I shook his hand. He had saved two lives now this week. I was more than grateful for him.

I noticed Alison stood outside of Ryan's room, but she wouldn't go in.

"Is everything alright?" I asked her.

"I shouldn't be here." She said softly.

"Alison, if it weren't for you, he might not be here right now. You were the one who found him." I said.

"But I've hurt him so much in the past. And keeping this secret. He's going to hate me when he finds out." She said as she put her head in her hands.

"I'll tell you what. Why don't you go get Max? Bring him here. There is no denying it when you see them together, and Ryan can't get mad over this." I said.

"Okay." She said with a nod.

I handed her the keys to the rental before watching her walk off. I let out a breath of air before walking into the room and sitting down next to Ryan's bed.

Thank god we hadn't lost him. Not only because it would've been tough for me, but if he hadn't made it, Max would never know his real father...

Our Fake Empire (Ryan Lewis) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now