Sock x reader- outdo her.

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My name is (Y/N), and I just got a job at the renaissance festival, not exactly sure what it is yet, just hope it's something fun. Please.
        "Yep! You got the job!"
         "Good! What is it!" I said leaning in.
        "You are going to work at the soda booth! Congrats!"
      All of a sudden I just felt like I was irrelevant to everything.
        "Do I still get a costume?"
    If you've never been to the renaissance festival, it's pretty much just a festival but people dress up all renaissancey and act like they're from the Middle Ages. Usually there are people dancing, eating, and just having fun in general. And the staff usually participate in fun activities or act like fairies or mermaids. Then there are the booth workers, they still get to dress up, but they also have to serve. And soda booth? Bees make that job impossible.
        "Yes, here it is." The man held up a peasant dress (photo above).
         "Job starts tomorrow be here at 9 A.M."
          "Thanks sir."

12:00 p.m.

           "Soup, soup, come getcha soup!" Said a familiar voice in the booth next to me. First time I heard that voice talk, everyone is yelling out things about their booth, it's a competition really.
            "Soda... soda... so- AH!" I realized who that soup person was! It's (Rival, R/N).
             "Oh, didn't notice that miss greasy Little nobody worked here~" (R/N) said.
             "Uh, well, uh-"
              "Soup! Soup! Come get some delicious soup!" She interrupted.
               "Psst." I heard a feminine voice say, I whipped around but to my surprise-
                "Uh, hi." I said staring at a orange haired male- he was peeking out from the kitchen, "what is it?" I tilted my head.
                "Don't let (R/N) outdo you." He winked. I nodded and turned back around.
                "Soda! Soda! Come get some refreshing soda!" I yelled, a couple people walked over to my booth. I turned around only to see orange hair kid smiling at me. I quickly turned back to the people.
                "Heeeeey~ can we get some, uh, err, we can, uh, coke??" The tall one said slapping down some money.
                 "Yep!" I said taking the money and putting it in to the register. After that I turned around, grabbed a cup and held it underneath the drink machine. There were bees everywhere, I swatted a couple away.

6:00 p.m.

"Okay guys! Your shift is over!" Some man said. Everyone cleaned up their booth and left. I saw the orange hair kid cleaning, after everyone had left.
     "H-hey!" I said walking up to him he looked up at me surprised that I was still here, and waved.
     "Hey, New kid! Why are you still here?" He smiled.
      "Uh, well, I saw you were still here so I decided to say hi, my name's (Y/N), by the way. Yours is...?"
       "Sock!" He said as we walked out of the booth.
       "Hi Sock. Any tips for the newbie here?" I smiled.
       "Weeeeellll...... let's see... stop being so good." He laughed.
        "No, seriously, anyone who outshines (R/N) is dead meat. Especially if they're prettier than her."
         "Well, I'm not so," I started.
         "Uh, yeah you are." He said.
        "Oh?" I blushed a little. Ah crap. I like him. Don't I?
        "Waaaaay prettier. Hey, I'll see you tomorrow hot stuff." He winked and walked away.

   How was this one? I was genuinely surprised when  I logged on and this book actually had reads. Now I might start updating often. Sorry this one was short, I don't haVe connection so it's messing up my typing. If you see any Random mistakes let me know I'll try to fix them :)

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