Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Okay peeps, so just before I start off this chapter I just want you to know that I have started drawing certain scenarios with my iPad and I began on chapter four. So if you want to see my drawings so that you can get a good idea of what's happening in a certain part of the chapter you can go there to see it. Just giving my darling readers a heads up!
(Drawing for chapter five has been released)
-Ohmwrecker's POV-

The new Ritch dude grabs (f/n) and easily pulls her up into some kind of bear hug. I watch silently, not letting my anger show on my face as he cockily growls something in her ear that causes her to blush. Normally I would've snapped at him but this empty feeling at the pit of my soul stops me from even opposing in the slightest.

A quick glance around the room shows Delirious glaring at the guy behind his back, Cartoonz snarling at Ritch and Bryce watching with concern.

Their expressions really show the types of way they feel about her. I suddenly feel less important with all these good looking guys that have been constantly battling to win (f/n)'s fancy. And why should she like me? I'm just the guy that sat behind her in her science class and the guy who was her co-worker for a few months. I barely know her, in fact the only people that actually know her are Jonathan and Luke. Luke because he dated her and Delirious because I assume that they used to hang out a lot before (f/n) and Cartoonz broke up.

Maybe that's why Bryce hasn't made any advances, he probably knows that we barely stand the slightest chance against those two. God dammit.

I am snapped out of my train of thought suddenly by (f/n) being dropped on her arse. I snap my head up to see if she's alright and can't help but get a little jealous when Bryce lifts his hand and pulls her falling body towards him thanks to his wind powers.

She lands on his lap and he pulls her into his chest. He must've felt me watching because he over at me and smirks triumphantly, I have nothing against Bryce but he likes unnecessary drama. I look away without any expression on my face, I'm already pissed enough at Cartoonz for killing buddy, I don't need Bryce trying to prove to me that out of everyone I'm the least likely to get (f/n).

Ritch walks out of the room followed by the blond girl and I can't help but turn my head to look at Cartoonz who is watching (f/n) intently, I can't help but imagine wrapping my hands around his throat and finding out how he'd like to be a corpse.

But I won't kill him, no matter how angry I am right in this moment there is no way I could ever kill Luke, for three reasons.

One: Luke is one of my closest friends and what he did was an accident.

Two: Delirious is basically Cartoonz's brother and would kill me extremely slowly and painfully if I ever killed Luke.

Three: I would never hurt anyone that (f/n) loves, even if they killed my best mate, dated the girl I've had a crush on for months, dumped the girl I've had a crush on for months, and is now trying to get back with her and has WAY more of a chance to get with her than me.

Still, I'm furious. I realize that it wasn't his fault but I can barely stay still.

"I better go give them a proper room to sleep in" I glance up when I hear (f/n)'s voice and we lock eyes by accident, I about to look away but I notice that her lip is quivering, her eyes are red, and the way she's looking at me looks so dejected that I want to go up to her and pull her into my arms before telling her that everything will be okay.

But I can't. I hate seeing her like this but for some reason my body won't move. In fact I can't even mouth any words to make her feel better because my face seems to have been set in stone.

I'm probably glaring at her right now.

She looks away before wiping her eyes, sniffing as quietly as she can to avoid attention, clearing her throat, and walking out of the room.

I watch her until she's clicked the door shut behind her and now we're sitting in silence. I can't tell if it's awkward because my rage has been growing the whole time she was leaving and I need to leave the room before I do something bad.

"Ohm..." I snap up my eyes to meet with Luke's. I can clearly see that he's about to say sorry but for some reason this fact just makes me even more filled with resentment.

Sure, like I said earlier, I could never hurt anyone that (f/n) loves, at least, not while she's in the room.

"I'm so sorry" That was all my body needed to hear before it clicked into action, I can't even control myself as I throw myself towards Cartoonz and shove him against the wall. This would've totally seemed romantic to all my fangirl's and boys that ship me with Luke but that is the LAST thing on my mind right now.

I can feel my hand suddenly feel very heavy and looking down I see that it has formed into rock, in fact, so has my hand that's holding Luke against the wall. Both mine and Cartoonz's eyes widen in shock when my fist that keeping him pinned starts spreading itself all over him and solidifies around his body, trapping him in a cocoon of rock.

I guess I've found out what my ability is...

I look back up at his face and the rock has also covered his mouth, muffled screams echo in the room and I look back to Buddy, my best friend who was there for me when everything seemed to fall apart, lay dead. A corpse on the floor basically burnt beyond recognition.

"Dude what are you doin-" I snap my eyes towards Delirious who had apparently just got out of shock from seeing me attack Luke but I cut him off with the rock which is spreading faster than it should be able to. It starts wrapping itself around his feet, then his waist, then it reaches his face where it covers the mouth completely before becoming solid, he also starts yelling with a muffled voice.

I look around the room again but Bryce is nowhere to be seen, he must've chickened off once he saw me attack Luke so that he could get out of the firing range.

Whatever, it's not like he could've stopped me anyway.

With all the wrath I can muster I raise my fist from my side and get ready to Punch Luke square in the face.

At least (f/n) isn't here to see this.

Elemental Protectors (Delirious, CaRtOoNz, Ohm x Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now