Chapter Twenty-one (Part 1)

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"You're really weird, you know that?" Vanoss just chuckles at Ohm's statement and shrugs. 

"I can't help it, I was made this way" Everyone stares at Evan for a second as he gobbles down yet another oreo. Luke is the first one to speak up in this very silent situation, saving us all from the silence.

"Where did you get the oreos? I never keep oreos in my house." I look over at Cartoonz in shock and then back at Vanoss who just grins and grabs another oreo.

"That's not what you should be worrying about." There is a collective sigh from everyone at his cryptic message and we all go back to ignoring him. Delirious yells in surprise and everyone spins around to stare at him, the black markings that were on Ohm have now also covered Jon's entire left arm.

"What the fuck is this shit on me?!" Everyone just stares at at Jon as he tries to scratch away the marks, Cartoonz chuckles slightly and Delirious spins around angrily.

"You have no right to laugh at me!! Your whole arm is covered with it too!!" Luke looks down and everyone looks at Luke, sure enough he is also covered with the strange symbols. I turn my gaze to where Evan was only to find him crouched down and poking a small frog with a twig.

He is such a toddler.

I sigh and stand up before making my way over to his huddled figure. The oreo packet is laying on the ground beside him and I pick it up, he looks at me doing so and knits his brows in confusion.

"The world may be going to shit but I still gotta recycle." I all I say before heading over to a nearby trashcan and plopping the rubbish inside it. I stare at the bin for a few moments, trying to process what the hell has been going on and why I was the one chosen to be life or whatever.

Maybe I am in a romance story...

"Don't fret so much, you look cuter when you're happy" I turn around slowly and lock eyes with Vanoss, his hands are in the pockets of his jacket and he has a cute grin on his face. I don't smile back at him and instead I avert my eyes. Evan sighs at my reaction and holds my chin before gently turning my head to face his.

"Of course I don't actually know that but I'm assuming" He takes his hand away from my chin and pats me on the head in a friendly way. he continues to smile and I can't help but lose my calm demeanor for a split second. He must've noticed because he chuckled a little and turned away from me.

"Oh, and I think Bryce has been wanting to talk to you!" He calls over his shoulder as he saunters away and back towards the others. I watch his retreating back and sigh quietly to myself, he always did have a way of cheering me up.

I snap out of my thoughts and walk over to Bryce as he chats away with the Ritch dude. Tutu looks at me and says something, immediately Bryce turns around with a smile and walks up to me.

"Hi! Just the girl I was looking for." Bryce winks at me playfully and I smile at him. He really is such a precious soul.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you?" I chuckle and nod my head.

"Sure, what do you need?" Bryce fidgets when I ask him this and clears his throat before speaking.

"Well, uh... I was actually wondering if we could talk... alone?" My eyes go wide and I can't help but smile at his cuteness. He may be super tall but that doesn't mean somebody isn't adorable.

"Sure, lead the way" I motion to him and his eyes light up with excitement. He grins and grabs my hand, leading me away from the others and over to Luke's backyard. Once we're out of sight from the others Bryce starts talking.

"So this may sound crazy but... I'm in love with you f/n!!" Bryce blurts out and I take a step back in fright.

"You hardly know me Bryce, I wouldn't call that love" Bryce shakes his head at my cautionary reply and grins at me before grabbing my wrists and yanking me back towards him. Before I can utter a word he has clamped a giant hand over my mouth to keep me quiet.

"No! no, no, no, no... Don't worry beautiful. You're safe with me, I won't ever do anything to harm you. Understand?" I shake my head, scared shitless. Bryce coos at me and shoves me up against a wall, pinning my hands behind my and pushing against me with his body, restricting any movement possible.

"You see my fairy, I have known you for a very long time. I've been watching you for years, ever since you joined that college with all the horrible people in it" My eyes widen in shock and I try to escape from his grasp, this was a stupid mistake because it means that he is now pinning me against the wall with an even greater force than just earlier.

"No no, let me explain please." When I don't try to writhe away Bryce takes this as his opportunity to continue on with his monologue.

"I was training at the Gym when I first saw you. You had a little_blue bag that you were carting around and a map in your hand. I was smitten as soon as I laid eyes on your beautiful face and I knew that we had to be together. No matter what." Bryce pauses and looks into my eyes before stroking the side of my forehead.

"I always knew you were different, special even. But you never noticed me no matter how hard I tried to get your attention. I was stuck, looking for some godly sign that you loved me back and then it happened!" Bryce was starting to get giddy with excitement and all I wanted to do was escape from him. What used to be cute was now a terrifying nightmare.

"You brought a frog back to life!" My eyes go wide with shock and I claw away at his hand, feeling claustrophobic and needing to breath fresh air.

"When you released the frog do you know what it did?" I shake my head, tears budding in my eyes and my ability to breath lowering at an alarming rate.

Bryce moves his face closer to mine and whispers in my ear.

"It came to me!"

Elemental Protectors (Delirious, CaRtOoNz, Ohm x Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now