Chapter Eighteen

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-Your POV-

Ohm holds me in his arms and leans down to kiss me, I lift my chin to meet him halfway but just as our lips are about to touch he jolts away and someone else's lips are pressing into mine.

In shock I snap open my eyes and watch in horror as Ryan flies into the sky before plummeting back into the ground and being swallowed by it. A muffled scream escapes me and I start pushing away from the person kissing me, the arms around me tighten before the strange lips pull away from mine and I'm able to see who the perpetrator is.

I lock eyes with Delirious who's staring longingly at me and in a instant I've forgotten whatever worried me just a moment ago. His hand travels down my waist and he pulls me closer before moving his face closer to mine.

I push my face towards him and kiss him first, Delirious almost recoils in shock but presses back forcefully before he does so. The way he kisses me is like none other, it's like he's talking to me, but in a way that only I can hear.

I have feelings for you (F/n).

A smile plays on my lips in response, I can tell. Delirious growls slightly and nibbles on my bottom lip before continuing to talk to me.

No (F/n), I've had feeling for you since we met when you were still dating my best friend.

I freeze for a split second with my mouth open, Jon takes this as an invitation and kisses me even deeper than before. I never realised he had feelings for me back then but I suppose it makes sense now that I think about it.

A slightly salty taste reaches my tongue and I realise that Delirious is crying. I pull away from him and rest my hand on his cheek before smiling sweetly at him. Delirious sobs slightly and nuzzles his face into my hand before locking eyes with me.

I wipe the tears from his cheeks and kiss his forehead gently. Jon laughs quietly before he is violently ripped away from me by Luke who glares at him and pushes him away.

"Where's Ohm?" Cartoonz sounds incredibly angry and in a flash I remember why I was worried a few minutes ago. My hand shoots up to my mouth and I scramble over to where Ryan was swallowed up by the earth.

"No, no, no, no, no NO!" I start scratching at the ground in a blind panic. Someone yells behind me and yanks me away just as the earth collapses right where I was kneeling. I stare in shock at the gaping hole where Ohm must have gone into.

Delirious, me, and Cartoonz all inch hesitantly to the hole. Once we get to the edge of it we realise that yes, the hole does go down, but only about six feet down before it starts going to the side. All of us look in the direction that it's going in but all we can see is smoke from everything that's burning.

"So... Who's going in there first?" Delirious is the first to speak and I stare at him in confusion.

"Well, someone has to go in there and fetch him" I nod my head in agreement when he says this. Cartoonz grunts before responding.

"Yeah right, I don't want to suffocate under there." I look at Luke and realise that he's probably right to think that way, after all, all the smoke from the fire has probably gotten in there by now and it would be incredibly dangerous.

"Ohm probably doesn't want to be under there either" Delirious looks pointedly at Luke but all Cartoonz does in response is glare.

"Who's fault is that?" Jon blushes when Luke says this and so do I because it means that he saw the whole kiss and everything. I look back into the hole and am about to jump in when we all here a scraping sound echoing from the hole and rapidly getting closer to us.

"Get back!" Is the last thing I hear before Ohm's body flies out of the ground and lands in a crumpled heap beside me. I scream and shuffle away from him in a panic. After a few seconds of shock I'm finally able calm my nerves and go over to him.

I crawl over to Ryan and roll him from his back onto his side. I do this because if he's unconscious then I don't want him swallowing his tongue. By rolling someone into their side it can save their life. I check for a pulse on the side of his neck, feeling nothing I lift up his wrist and check again for his pulse.

Still nothing. Again and again I check for his pulse but no matter where I look there is nothing there. I press my ear to his chest in the hopes that his heart is still beating.

It isn't.

My hand flies to my mouth so that I can muffle my sobs, it doesn't work very well and Delirious immediately comes to my side and wraps his arms around my shuddering shoulders.

"It's all my fault, if I hadn't thrown him out of the way then he wouldn't have died." I shake my head in denial when he says this and hug him back. There was no way we could've possibly known this would happen.

"Actually, It's my fault" both me and Delirious snap our head up to look at the person who owns the unfamiliar, yet extremely familiar, voice.

I lock eyes with a man in a dark and tattered hoodie who was emerging slowly from the hole. In a split second his name comes to me and I stare in shock.


A/N: Sorry for the late upload! I had to complete two art boards and then my end of year exams are coming up. Luckily after they end I'm gonna have three months to do whatever the hell I want, and that means more updates! (Hopefully)

Thanks for reading!

Elemental Protectors (Delirious, CaRtOoNz, Ohm x Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now