Chapter Nineteen

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AN: okay I know I know, "but you said you weren't motivated!" Yeah, usually when I say that I become motivated so here you go my lovelies!! I hope you enjoy this chapter because I just spent over two freaking hours writing this shit. You'd better be grateful.

And I hope you enjoy the twist!

-your POV-

I lock eyes with a man in a dark and tattered hoodie who was emerging slowly from the hole. In a split second his name comes to me and I stare in shock.


"Well according to that corpse lying there you'd think it'd be obvious" Death scratches his neck awkwardly before clearing his throat and standing up straight.

"Why did you kill Ohm?" Luke's voice in my ear startles me and I glance at him out of the corner of my eye. He looks pissed, but not at Death... he seems more angry with Delirious. My cheeks turn red and I decide to focus on the conversation instead of 'things that I could've not fucked up'.

"Well it's a funny story actually, I was sitting in bed about seven minutes ago when suddenly he smashes through my wall and smacks straight into me! By the time my ears stopped ringing from the sheer force of his body I was very confused, to say the least." We all stare at Death as he rambles on, laughing at his own jokes occasionally and completely ignoring Ohm's corpse in front of him.

I make eye contact with Delirious and we both knowingly nod our heads. This guy is crazy. I wonder Who he was before all this crazy stuff happened, or maybe he was always Death, like I've been life for longer than I even realised.

I snap back into reality when I realise that Luke is looking at me with an intense expression on his face. My cheeks burn and I avert my eyes.

"Uh, what did you say?" God this is embarrassing.

"I said: Can't you just bring Ohm back to life?" Cartoonz makes a good point and I widen my eyes in surprise, I can't believe I didn't think about that first. But just as my hope sparked it was immediately blown out.

"I don't know if I'll be able to, you saw what happened to Buddy..." my shoulders slump and I avert my gaze. Both Jon and Luke wrap their arms around me and I'm suddenly filled to the brim with confidence.

"You can do it f/n, we believe in you" Delirious smiles into my shoulder and I grin. Damn straight I could bring him back. I'm the only one who can, after all.

"Umm, this is cute and all but you completely cut my story off!" We all turn our gazes back to Death, complete un-interest is written on all of our faces. Death pouts and turns his hooded face away with crossed arms.

"No fair, I only just got introduced in the story" Death mumbles but we all ignore him as I break away from the hug and lean down towards Ryan's cold body. Lifting gently, I place him on my kneeled lap and cup his face in my hands.

He really is so handsome.

I lean down ever so slightly and close my eyes, concentrating on him. In an instant my mind is filled with overwhelming knowledge, where his injuries are and how bad they really are. I quickly focus on all the worst spots first.

The conus medullaris has snapped, causing Paraplegia (that's doctor for paralysis waist down I think). I quickly put my hands around his waist until they both rest under his spine. I grimace and focus on all the shards of bone, slowly pulling them back together. After I'm sure that everything in that area is healed I move onto the next problem.

Raptured Aorta, massive internal bleeding. I place my hands on Ryan's chest and knit my eyebrows as I feel his Aorta slowly start patching itself back together. After about a minute and the internal blood in that area is gone and the Aorta is fully fixed. Onto the next.

The spleen has ruptured, more internal bleeding. I would sigh if I wasn't so concentrated. I place my hands on Ohm's backbone and apply pressure. I have a headache but I don't care, what matters right now is Ryan. After nearly 30 seconds the spleen is completely fixed.

I focus on Ohm some more and find that there's a comminuted fracture in both his clavicle and ulna. This time I do sigh outwardly and I place my hand on his collarbone, carefully I pull all the shards of bone back together and when I'm happy with it I move to his forearm. I can taste slight copper in my mouth but I pay no attention to it. In less than a minute his ulna and clavicle are healed.

And on top of all of that he had a heart attack too. I smile slightly and place my hand gently on his chest, the other on his cheek, and I look at his peaceful expression. I lean down and kiss him gently on the lips. In the next instant he's kissing back and I smile into his lips.

I lean away and caress his cheek gently, a smile on my face. He doesn't smile back, he's staring at me with a worried expression.

"What? What is it?" Ryan sits up and stares at my mouth while touching his. Is he going to say that I suck at kissing?! Oh god that would suck.

"F/n, your nose is bleeding... a lot." My cheeks go red and I quickly cover my nose in embarrassment.

"And why is Delirious lying on the ground next to Luke?" I freeze and snap out of concentrated mode. Immediately I'm overwhelmed with the cold feeling of death and I turn around to see the other two crumpled onto the ground beside me. They're not breathing.

I look back at Ohm and recoil in shock, he's covered in black markings.

"I guess you could say they were touched by Death himself" I hear a sadistic laugh behind me and spin around to face the perpetrator.

Death chortles to himself and smiles at me as he looms over the bodies of Jon and Luke. I glare at his approaching figure and clench my fists. He tuts and shakes his finger at me.

"No no, if you hurt someone you lose your powers, surely you know this?" I stop in my tracks and stare at the man in front of me as he continues to get closer. I did not know that, but how did he?

"Yeah, I didn't think so." Death reaches past me and touches Ohm gently on the chest, causing Ohm to collapse. My mouth falls open and I stare, dumbfounded.

"Heart attacks are the easiest to manipulate." Death turns to look at me and smiles sweetly, I finally come back to my senses and step away from him.

"What are you?!" My voice is raised but he doesn't seem to care whatsoever as he knocks on my forehead and chuckles.

"Knock knock" I glare at him but he ignores me again.

"I said, knock knock" he sounds much more threatening this time and I gulp nervously before answering.

"Who's there?"

"...Hoo..." he grins gleefully and pulls down his hood, his face shape completely changes and I'm in so much shock that the only thing that exits my mouth is a gasp.


Elemental Protectors (Delirious, CaRtOoNz, Ohm x Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now