"Good one Uncle Si"

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"What does Simon want now, Louis what did you do?" Liam asked Louis as the five band mates sat on lounges in Simon Cowell's office, waiting for their manager to come in for whatever reason he wanted them.

"noting I swear, I been a good boy" Louis replied giving a childish smile.

"whatever it is, it would be quite important seeing how he wanted us here so quickly" said Harry.

The boys turned their heads to the office door which was opening. Simon Cowell walked in the room looking happy, so the boys were relieved they weren't in trouble for anything.

"boys I have big news for you all" he announced. Each of the boys were smiling excited to hear the news.

"what is it uncle Si" Niall asked. Simon looked as if he couldn't contain himself anymore, he had a big wide smile and his hands were rubbing together. Simon looked at the five smiling boys curious of what he was about to say.

"boys, may I have announced One Direction's new member" a boy jogs in the room and stands ever so proudly next to Simon. All the boy's pervious smiles dropped, well except for Harry he thought it was a joke.

"good one uncle Si, now tell us the actual news". The rest of the boys looked worried they waited for Simon to say "Gotcha" but it just was never coming.

"no Harry this isn't a joke, its real. Everyone meet Travis". Travis waved to the boys saying hi to each of the still shocked boys.

"Your actually serious, are you?" Zayn asked and Simon slowly nodded in reply.

"oh my god" Niall cried dropping his head in his hands, Liam quickly patted his back in support. "why do we need another member" Liam asked Simon still standing there with Travis "well you see boys this is going to get a lot of attention from the press and the fans will go mental just think about it. Don't worry tho, you boys are going to get along great. Here" he walks over to the boys ushering all of them off the couch. "I'm going to leave you boys to get an acquainted" he walks to the door but turn back to the six boys "bye boys".

Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam turn to him and reply "bye uncle Si" Simon smiled at the boys and looked at Louis who seemed quite which was never good and worried Simon a bit, he stubbornly refused to join the conversation the boys were having with Travis.

"Louis?" Simon said sternly, upset from not getting a goodbye from the oldest.

"bye" Louis scoffed rolling his eyes. Simon gave up and took a mental note to talk to Louis later when the other boys weren't around.

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