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Music blasts at Nora's 24th birthday party. Harrison still hasn't arrived yet and Mione was dancing with Tom laughing and smiling like a happy little kitten.

Maxie is moving her hips to the music with Lottie, who is dancing smiling at Maxie with her tounge sticking out. Nora was no where to be found, no one had seen her yet.

She and Harrison appear minutes later, both all happy and chipper. Harrison already had hickeys down his neck, his white dress shirt isn't hiding the ones on his chest either. "You two having fun" Tom smirks at them. The hadn't been together long but you could tell that they weren't like most couples. When they sat on the couch Nora was more prone to holding Haz to her chest, or Harrison would lean his head on her shoudler.

It was different then relationships Tom had seen. And everybody loved it.

Lottie and Maxie were outside chatting, about nothing and everything. "How's Riverdale?" Maxie asked tapping her foot. Her mind races with possibilities. "Its great the cast is so nice and just lovely" Maxie taps her foot quicker her pulse quickening.

"Lottie I have something to tell you, I got signed to a record label" Maxie said, her smile bright. "Oh my god" Lottie and Maxie don't know what's happening as they look at each other until Maxie moves her hand to Lottie's cheek and kisses her hard, letting herself taste her best friends lips. Lottie in a moment was kissing back before shoving Maxie back and wiping her lips.

"Don't ever do  that again"

Photographer ➤ Harrison Osterfield Where stories live. Discover now