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Jack's POV--

At last, its the last day Elsa and I will be apart. I got so excited I went out and picked white roses and periwinkles, since they're her favorite flowers and decorated our palace with them. everything was perfect.

these past three days have been slowly killing me, I hadn't left the room at all, I didn't eat, i didn't sleep, I didn't go see anyone, I didn't leave that chair those entire two days. Elsa died at around 11:45 pm. so at 11:45 pm she will be resurrected.

--(ha ha!!! get it?! Easter joke, not funny? sorry)--

it is currently 2:00 pm....... this is gonna be a long day. OOH IDEA!!! I'll make a trail of frost arrows like I did when I asked her if she would go on a date with me...... nah I wanna be by her side when she wakes up. so I'm just gonna sit here and do what?

"Jack Frost, get your butt down here this instant!!!" screams a female voice. I soon recognize it as Anna's. wait Anna doesn't know Elsa is dead. SHOOT, SHE'S GONNA KILL ME!!! I calmly walk down stairs and attempt to greet Anna casually. " H-Hey, Anna. Uh... h-how's it going?" I stuttered... oh my gosh I can't believe I just did that, MENTAL FACEPALM!!!

"where's Elsa?" she asks, you can hear the anger in her voice. "well... she's... um..." I attempt to answer. "Jack, I already know what happened." she stated as her anger turned into sadness "Its, just... UGH. how could you not tell me? I mean, my own sister is dead and you weren't even gonna tell me" she started crying

"You were just gonna let me think that my sister had run off with you, never to be seen again, because some creepy stalker was hunting her and tracking her down by fear?!" I walked over to her and pulled her in for a hug. she didn't pull away and hugged me back, sobbing into my hoodie. we stayed that way for at least 20 minutes.

" Well, Anna. Elsa could actually be coming back today. if the moon chooses her to be a guardian, that is." I comfort her in the only effective way I know. "seriously?! that's amazing!!!"she started to jump up and down. "yes, seriously! but I need you to go back to Arendalle. when/if she is strong enough to travel I'll bring her to you" I tell her. "okay, consider me gone" she raced out the door and back to Arendalle

I'm hungry, I need food. I haven't eaten in two days. I went into the kitchen and grad some chips and lemonade. I went onto the balcony in Elsa and my room and sat there ,with my legs hanging off the railing, eating potato chips and drinking lemonade. I wonder what I'm gonna do if Elsa doesn't wake up.

NO, STOP IT ,JACK, DONT THINK LIKE THAT. of course Elsa is gonna wake up. she'll come back to me and we'll live happily ever after, just like in the movies. we'll get married and have kids and be the best family ever! I love Elsa with all my heart and I promise that if she doesn't make it I will find a way that we can be together, living or not.

I use the wind to clean up whatever crumbs were left on the balcony and went to put my glass away. I check the time again once I'm in the kitchen and its 5:00 I was out on the balcony for 3 hours? wow!! maybe it won't be as long a wait as I thought


Sorry for the long wait. I wrote most of the book on Easter so sees that stupid little joke in there. but I hope you like it sorry it kinda short, its sorta a part 2 to the last chapter but whatever

I bid you good morrow my petite snowflakes <3

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