~Three Days Time~

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Jack's POV--

"people always do crazy thing when they're on love." Elsa said as her body went completely limp in my arms. I pulled her onto my lap as I cried "Elsa, no no, please, I need you, don't leave me, please" over and over again into her shoulder.

none of the other guardian moved, they knew better than to touch me when I'm mad, sad, or depressed. I feel like they should have done something to stop her. I know there was nothing they could do but I am filled with this overwhelming anger and sadness.

what will I do now? Elsa was my life, my everything. my end and my beginning. my world, my universe. she was the only person I've ever loved. there is no one in the world who can replace her, not in this world or the next. She was my reason for living and now she's gone.

"I'm so sorry, Jack" Tooth says as she rubs circles in my back. I would have blown up but it's Tooth. I stand up, turn around, and hug her. she is the only person who I wouldn't get mad at for attempting to touch me.

I stoop back down and pick up Elsa. I take her back to her/our ice castle, we repaired it a while ago and added a few of our own personal touches. I set her down in our bed but don't bother to pull up the blanket, as she once said "the cold never bothered her anyway". I made a chair out of frost and stayed there for at least an hour.I just watched her. her face and lips grew paler by the second, her body temperate rising,and her body just lying there unmoving for an hour.

"Jack we have great news!!!" North's Russian accent resonated through the palace. possibly cracking a few walls. he burst in the door with e other guardians close behind. Sandy started flashing signs above his head too fast for me to understand. "Sandy, slow down I ant understand you." I told him.

--Sandy's Message--

The moon says that he is considering Elsa as a guardian. she must first pass a test but if she passes she will become one of us. She will come back to you Jack!!! but only if she passes the test. if she doesn't she will remain dead forever. Its all until Manny not us if t was our choice we would bring her back in a heartbeat. she will pass the test ,Jack, don't worry. if she passe she will return in 3 days time.

--End of Sandy's Message--

I'M SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG. I had a bit of writers block. how do you explain that the love of your life died in your arms?! anyway, hope you like it!!!

I NEED YOUR HELP. what do I do next. who is the REAL enemy?! what do you think should happen next comment and let me know!!!

How may of you live in Michigan, tell me in the comments!!!  comment #Michigander if you are

Talk to ya later, My Little Frosties

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