~The VERY Beginning~

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Elsa's POV--

they all say before you die that your life flashes before your eyes. well, its true, you can't control what you see but you see every important thing that's  happened. the good, the bad, the soul-crushing, the joyful crying moments, every important one.

I see the day Anna was born. "she's so small mommy" I say to my mother as she holds the tiny infant. "yes, THAT'S because she is only 2 days old, Elsa." my mother responded. I get to hold her because my powers weren't that strong yet. the opened her eyes and I stroked her soft ginger hair.

then it was the day Anna first find out about my powers. she was 3 and I was 6, I was outside in the backyard of the castle ,ice skating, when it was 75°F outside. Anna came out and saw me. she tried to run toward me and slipped but I caught her."how is there ice out here when its solo hot?!" Anna asked, I showed her by making it snow just a little bit for us. she loved the way no two snowflakes were the same. it was adorable.

next was the day I hit Anna with my powers. she woke me up because she couldn't sleep and tried to persuade me to play. eventually I gave in and we went downstairs to the ballroom. I made it snow, covered the ground with ice, and made snow hills. that was also the first and last time we had built a snowman, a.k.a. Olaf!!! she was trying g to jump from hill to hill and made me catch her with another hill. I slipped and stuck my hand out not expecting what happened next.

the next scene was probably the most important thing that I will see. I was in my room, in the corner crying. I had my head in my lap so I couldn't see anything. The window slowly creeks open and Jack steps in. he looks around sees me in the corner, he walks over and pulls me onto his lap. he comforts me and tells me everything would be alright. the rest of the day we talked and learner all about each other. I showed him my powers and he showed me his. we laughed and played until it was time to go to sleep. even then he stayed and watched over me.

I saw all the times my father gave me different gloves, the day he taught me our motto "conceal it, don't feel it, don't let it show", all the times Jack tried to teach me to control my powers but it never worked,no matter how long or hard we tried.

the next thing I saw was Jack hello the guardians all about me. there was North , Toothiana, Sandy, And Bunnymund. there was also a figure of a man, lurking in the  shadows. I recognized him as Pitch and tried to tell Jack but he couldn't hear or see me. I tried to tell the other guardians but no one could hear me.

then the time I froze and unfroze Arendalle and Anna. the day I introduced Anna and Kristoff to Jack. Anna couldn't see him at first but Kristoff could. he was awestruck, he told us how the trolls used to tell him stories about Jack, Bunny, Tooth,Sandy and North.

it all evaporated into the next day. I woke up that day to find that there were arrows frosted onto my walls leading to the door. I followed the arrows throughout the whole castle until it led me to a snow covered garden on the roof. I continued to follow the arrows. eventually they led me right to Jack. he was sitting on a stone bench, when he saw me he stood up and handed me a Periwinkle. I accepted the flower and sat down with him. " well, um, Elsa. we've know each other for 15 years now  and I just wanted to say that they have been the best 15 years of my... um... I guess you could say life? but anyways I just wanted to ask you... if you, um ...would, um...like to... be my... girlfriend?" he asked with his voice showing how nervous he had been. "Jack I've been waiting 5 years for you to ask me that question... of course I'll be your girlfriend!!!" I said kissing him on the cheek and resting my head on his shoulder.

then today replayed in my mind when I saw pitch release the arrow when I jumped in front of Jack. his ice blue eyes staring at mine. everything was in slow motion. I heard him a sky why ani I heard how helpless and fragile i sounded when I replied.


okay there's your chapter sorry it took so long I fell asleep last night. I am still going to update tonight and tell you what happens to Jack and what he decides to do next!!!

comment, vote, share whatever!!! have a day ( I don't like to put pressure on people by saying have a GOOD day) my little Frosties

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