Romance😚 and Sexuality🐦🐝For most people, the romantic and sexuaul orientations are aligned, so people tend not to think about them being separate concepts. However, there exists a rather blurry but definite boundary between the 2; romantic orientation is the attraction to the type of person while sexuality is the sexual preference to the type of gender.
Often, both these spheres overlap. Meaning, a homosexual is usually also a homoromantic. But of course, the world despises simple things.
In some cases, the romantic orientation deviates from the sexual orientation. This leads to a garden variety of colourful terms such as, demiromantic heterosexual, aromatic bisexual, homoromantic pansexual, etc. Occasionally, people fail to realise they don't belong to the institutionalised heteroromantic heterosexual convention.
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Achievement unlocked.😵🔫Now, we shouldn't get so worked up with all these terms. I think the only label we need is "human". Scientists prefer to attach names to stuff because it helps to organise the data. But let's face it, I've said it before, I'll say it again; 🌱 Nature don't give a fuck about boundaries.