A Metaphor for My Hurt

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A/N: Thanks everybody for the votes and comments! Keep it up!!!

Chapter 8-

Annabeth's POV


One minute I was fighting earthborn with Clarisse, the next... I don't know. It all just went... black...

That is until I woke up with chains on my hands binding me to the wall with only a short leash connected to a rock wall. Not one of those fun, lets see how far you can go walls, but an actual rock cave-like wall. I looked in front of me, as far as I could in the darkness, and saw an empty room, but it looked like someone's living courters. There was a couch on top of a rug in the center of the room, a TV infront of the couch, a mirror above a dresser on the far wall, and five tiny, red light bulbs on the ceiling fan.

I glanced back around the room to see if there was an exit. There was. Two earthborn guarded the only way out of this mysterious place, and if I was guessing there are two more guards on the entry way. (And I'm always right.)

I just sat there for what seemed like hours. Alone. Bored, even if I am caught prisoner in Gaea's territory.

A woman walks in, and then a flash of memories hit me.

Me and Percy laughing, running around, kissing, acting like there's not a care in the world. The good ol' days.

A group date with Jason and Piper comes to thought that took place only a few days after the Giant War. It was a night in Manhattan, the four of us went to a fancy restraunt. Me with my royal blue, thigh length, poofy, strapless dress, and the rare occasion of me wearing silver strappy heels. Piper with her pink, high-low dress, and the rarer occasion of black wedges. Percy and Jason both in traditonal tuxes. We were all talking, eating, and having fun. You know! Stuff you do on dates!

After our meal we took a long walk all the way back to Camp Half-Blood. Piper and Jason walked a few yards ahead of us talking.

"So what were you gonna say?" Percy asked me, swinging our hands back in forth as we romed the streets.

I puzzeled,"Excuse me?"

"Back in Tartarus, or when we got out I don't remember exactly, you said and I quote,'Your not dying on me seaweed brain.Remember? Never separated again and after we get home... and I said,'What?' Then you said ,'Ask me again once we get defeat Gaea.'" He looked at me matter-of-factly.

"Oh." I blush at the memory. "I just meant if we lived, which we did- clearly, we could start our lives in New Rome together. If thats what you wanted."

"Oh." He blushed. "Yeah I'd like that." He nodded.

All of a sudden I'm holding on to a light pole with my right hand/arm, and Percy's hands in my left one. The winds are rushong so fast and strongly that Percy's feet weren't in contact with the ground. Worst of all my grip on Percy was loosening. Then BAM! His hand slipped out of mine and he went soaring around in the wind until he disappeared.Once he disappeared the winds calmed down to like they hadn't blown all day.

I looked over to find Piper freaking out, just like me, Jason had also disapeared. I walked over to her and we began to sob. Right there on the sidewalk in Manhattan.

WAIT! That didn't happen! The date did, but not the two of them disappearing like that.

I awoke from the trace. "Why are you doing this?" I shouted at her, tears welling on my face. It had been 500 years since I've seen my seaweed brain, and it hurt for him not to be really here.

"Oh but don't you understand?" The creepy voice that belonged to the woman infront of me, Gaea, said.

I gave her a look that said What the hades are you talking about?

I think she understood me. "Its what you think about them. Well... In a way. He's there one minute, then the next he disappeared into thin air, and left you there all alone."

She had a good point. I hated him for leaving me like that, but I couldn't stop loving him. He was hers. She was his. Silent tears fell down my face.

"But to answer your question child, I simply want to get revenge on Perseus Jackson."


"Getting smart with me, are you? Then you can relive every happy moment but minus the happiness." She snapped her fingers and I started seeing happy memories again, but Gaea's remodeled version where Percy and I get seperated over and over and over.

Percy's POV


"So tell us again what happened?" Jason asked bewildered.

"I told you! I had a dream that showed me Annabeth being emotionally tortured."

"Right. So should we tell Chiron, or not?" Thalia asked me.

"Not. He isn't our boss. He can't tell us what we can or can't do, not anymore." I said way to harsh.

"Hey. That's uncalled for. You know Chiron has always did what he thought was best for us." Thalia pointed at me.

"Yeah.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Its just... Its just.. I want.. I need to help Annabeth. I... I still love her." I said, allowing a single tear to escape my eyes.

A/N: So how'd I do on this chapter? I want some critiques, c'mon! Tell me what you loved! Tell me what you hate!

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