Chapter four.

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*(02) 9976 2721*: Hey Luke! It’s April! I hope you don’t mind but I asked Michael for your number…

Me: oh! yeah no it’s chill! c: I actually jumped up and down. I don’t know why.

April: Cool! Thanks so much for cleaning up and leaving me some Advil!! You saved my life!! You know you didn’t need to do that though… Ha-ha :)

Me: oh uh sorry… i felt bad. Teenagers suck! hah

April: No its fine! Thank you honestly!! Hey are you busy tonight?

Me: it’s no problem! hah no I’m free tonight! What’s up?

April: Cool! Want to go out to dinner? I’ll pay! :)

Me: sure! I’ll pay though! c:

April: No, I’ll pay! It’ll be my little thank you for cleaning up and everything!

Me: you sure?

April: Yes!! I have to go though. My dad wants me to hang out with him! Haha! I’ll pick you up at around 7?

Me: okay cool! Thanks! I could pick you up! I already know my way there hah!

April: You would? Awesome! See you at 7! Later!

Me: see ya! c: I knew I had to pick her up. She couldn’t come to my house. Not tonight. I looked at the clock reading it was only 5:30. I sighed already regretting the conversation I was going to have with my mom. I headed to my door as I walked past my mirror. I froze. Slowly I turned my body facing the mirror. I scanned my hair that I had styled like Michael did and fixed a few strands of it then down to my shoulders with my collar bones sticking out soon realizing how much my bones stuck out I actually was until my eyes reached my chest and stared at the scar left there from the accident. It was at least five inches long and still puffy as if it was fresh. The flashbacks started and the room began to spin and everything turned black. I awoke with my mom slamming on my door.

“Get out of your room! Our guest is almost here!” She screamed.

“I’m up. I guess I got distracted sorry.” I said softly. I stood up noticing the time. “Crap. 6:35…” I said under my breath. I calmly walked out of my room just as our “guest” came in. I watched him wrap his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. “Mom,” I blurted out before he went too far, “I actually have to go to Michaels' for a few hours we have a project due tomorrow. I’m really sorry to miss dinner.” I knew when I said this in front of him she wouldn’t do anything, she couldn't hurt her "reputaion". She would do something when he was gone and she was drunk. She always did. 

“Okay honey. Have fun.” She forced out a smile and squeezed my shoulders a little too hard. I ran out the door with my skateboard and went to Michaels'. On my way I called him. “Michael, hey! I’m taking April out tonight but I need a car, can I use yours?”

“Uhhh yeah. I’ll leave the keys on the counter.” he paused “I’m kind of busy.” I heard a giggle on the other line.

“Oh. Yeah thanks!” I hung up and looked for his house. I walked in and the keys were exactly where he said they were. I checked my phone for the time. 6:50. I ran to his car and started it up. The radio was playing “Today by The Smashing Pumpkins”. I didn’t listen to this song really but it was catchy when you were in a rush. I pulled up to her house and checked the time again. 7:03. I ran up to her front door and rang the bell. A man answered the door. He was shorter than me but held eye contact and called out April’s name. She came running down the stairs in a black sundress with daisies all over it, and her light brown hair in a messy bun. She was breath taking and I began to feel really self-conscious of my dark blue Adventure Time crewneck and black skinny jeans. I looked at my feet.

“Hey you!” she said with a bubbly tone.

“Hi. Sorry about being late…”

“Oh its fine.” I looked back up as she gently smiled. “Are you okay?”

“What? Yeah, no, I’m okay. You look great by the way!” I chuckled as she looked down blushing.

“Thanks. I like your crewneck. Adventure Time is my favorite show.” she giggled.

“Same here. Are you ready?”

“Yeah.” She reached over for my arm and linked hers with mine. “I’ll be back later, dad.”

“Actually, one second.” I let go of her arm and walked up to her father. Parents didn’t scare me like most other males. “What time would you like her back sir?” I asked. He eyed me up and down before puffing a quick breath of air out of his nostrils and a small smile pulled at the corners of his lips.

“No later than 9:30.” He said short and simple.

“Alright. Thank you.” I smiled and shook his hand then walked back to April re-linking our arms. We walked to the car without a word; mainly because I was really nervous. Finally we sat down in the car. “Is this a date?” I asked nervously putting on my seat belt. She giggled lightly.

“Do you want it to be?” she looked straight forward.

I smiled but quickly pulled my lips straight. “Yes.”

“Then it’s a date.” she looked up at me and smiled simply. I smiled back and started the car. I forgot how loud the radio was and jumped when it turned on. She turned it down and laughed. I felt my cheeks burn up and started to drive. The radio played “Love at First Sight by The Brobecks”. She softly hummed along to the song. I smiled to myself as we arrived to restaurant. She picked it out and couldn’t have picked any better. The big sign said Red Robin. “I hope this is okay.” she said quietly.

“I love this place actually.” I replied bumping her shoulder. She didn’t reply. All she did was give me a small smile. We went inside and she gave her name. The wait wasn’t bad, only about five minutes. 

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