Chapter five.

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The date went well and we finished our food with time to spare. I practically had to beg to pay for dinner and with enough annoying pleases she finally let me pay. I checked my phone for the time, 8:26; we still had over an hour left. “So, we still have an hour left, what do you want to do?” She shrugged. “Come with me.” I held out my hand and she intertwined our fingers. We headed back to the car with absolute silence. I could tell she was becoming tense, I would be too, not only to be dragged to a car with a stranger you met when you were drunk but also it is just you two, alone, at night. I squeezed her hand to remind her things are fine. We sat in the car and turned off the radio. The drive was going to be at least 15 minutes and I wanted to learn more about her. “Tell me about yourself.” I said.

She blinked a few times before speaking up as if she really wanted to put a lot of thought into her answer, “I’m nothing special really.”

“Awh, come on, there has to be something to you.” I wiggled my eyebrows at her causing her to giggle.

“Uhh,” she paused again, “How personal do you want to get?” She never broke her stare from the road.

“As personal as you want.”

“Okay, I’m glad you agreed to dinner tonight.” she smiled.

“Me too.” I smiled back but quickly dropped it thinking of my mom. 

“Aren’t you going to ask why?” she giggled.

“Oh, uh, why?”

“Because I was hoping I could show you that I’m not dumb and slutty.” she was serious this time.

“Slutty? Why would I think that?”

“Well, at my party I did come onto you a little strong, don’t you think? But I swear that is not me! I just had a lot to drink and I was freaking out so I had more-” she ranted for a good five minutes “I walked into my room and saw you sitting on my bed and honestly I think you’re cute so I went for it… I’m still sorry by the way.” She looked down at her lap blushing and played with her hands.

I parked the car and turned to her “It’s okay.” There was silence for a little. “We’re here though.” Her head snapped up and looked around as if she knew this place. The corners of her lips pulled to a gentle smile showing her white perfect teeth and a small laugh escaped her lips and she quickly cover her mouth. We both got out of the car and started walking. She wrapped her arms around her body to keep warm. I tugged off my crewneck and handed it over to her. She said no at first but I wouldn’t expect it. She finally agreed and pulled it over her head. It was baggy on her gentle frame and the sleeves were too long on her and hid her small hands. She stopped walking and sat down on the bright green grass. I sat next to her facing the lake. She pulled her hand from the sleeve and reached out for mine. I opened up my hand and intertwined our fingers. “I think so too.” I said.

“What?” she furrowed her eyebrows and studied my face as if the answer was on my forehead.

“I think you’re cute too.” I blushed and so did she. She held my hand tighter.

“Thanks.” she smiled. There was another silence. It wasn’t awkward though. It was calming and comfortable. “My mom used to take me here.” she said as calm as ever.

“Where is she now?” I asked as I studied her breathing. She took a deep breath expanding the sweater on her body. All the rest of her breaths were shallow and paced.

“She’s dead.”

“Oh. I’m sor-”

“No. It’s not your fault.” She looked up at me and I flashed her a smile. “She passed when I was 14.” she paused again taking another deep breath; “Cancer.” was the last thing she said. "Tell me about you, Luke."

"Well, my name is Luke." I started as she giggled, "I play the guitar and I get super nervous when talking to pretty girls." I laughed. 

"Tell me more..." she blushed. as she pulled her legs out from under her and over my lap. 

"Okay," I rested one of my hands on her leg and shifted the weight on the hand I was leaning on. I felt her soft skin and started tracing patterns onto her as she blushed. "I also sing but its not very good-"

"Sing for me!" she practically screamed. 

"Maybe one day..." I trailde off and traced more on her legs as she pulled them away from me again. I looked up at her face finally getting a full look. She had a small amount of makeup on, just a light brown eye shadow and some mascara. Her lips were pursed to a small smile as we just stared at each other’s figures as if we were foreigners. I reached out to move the bangs that were now in her face and grabbed her wrist holding her hand up to mine as if I was comparing them. She smiled bigger and scooted closer to me. I flicked my eyes from hers to her lips as she giggled lightly. Soon enough we leaned in slowly. Right as our lips were about to touch my phone went off. I apologized quickly and checked the caller ID. I didn’t notice it and I gave her a small smile and answered the phone.

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