Riku x reader - When your gone

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for SixthUnderminer


A tear fell from my face. My best friend Riku was gone. I was in Yen Sid's tower. He had just told me that Riku had be locked in the world of darkness alone with king Mickey

"Cheer up (Y/n) Riku will return, I know he will," Yen Sid said.

"But how?" I sniffled," The door was to the world of darkness was locked remember."

"I know, but something tells me it will be opened once more," Yen Sid said.


Donald, Goofy, Kairi, and I were standing in front of the keyhole. Sora had sacrificed himself for Kairi. We had to leave though, the heartless were coming. But I didn't want to leave, Riku was still here somewhere.

"No, it can't be, I won't let him go!" Kairi exclaimed.

"But the heartless," Goofy said.

Then Ansem appeared infront of us. I summoned my keyblade (oh yeah you have a keyblade) and said,

"Donald, Goofy, get Kairi out of here and protect them from the heartless."

"No, I'm not leaving you behind too," Kairi said.

"Kairi it's dangerous. This isn't one of our games we played on the islands. This a threat, Sora wouldn't want to see you get hurt again," I said.

"No! If you were defeated, I would lose three you. (Y/n) don't do this!" Kairi now had tears rolling down her face.

"Donald get her out of here!" I yelled.

Donald nodded and grabbed Kairi's hand and ran out of here.

"Well, well Ansem. Looks like your all mine," I said.

Ansem had an evil smirk on his face. I growled and ran up to him. I swung my keyblade at him but he easily dodge it and knocked me back. I got back onto my feet and ran towards him again. Ansem was going to hit me again, but I dodged it and hit him. Ansem grunted. He grabbed me by the neck and was about to hit me again. But he couldn't. He dropped me and I landed on my butt. I got up and stood in my battle stance (which is like Sora's). Then Riku stood in front of Ansem. I gasped.


"(Y/n) get out of here," he told me.

"No, I won't," I said.

"(Y/n) you saw what almost happened. He's too strong."

"I don't want to leave you." Hot tears were now rolling down your cheeks.

"Listen (Y/n), we will meet again. It may not be today, and it may not be tomorrow. But I promise you and I will meet again. And when we do, we will be together forever, I promise. I love you (Y/n)," Riku Said.

"I love you too," I said.

"Now go!" He yelled.

I then ran out of there.

(End of flashback)

~1 year later~

Sora and I saw Kairi and Ansem with her. They were fighting the heartless.

"Kairi!" Sora yelled.

"Sora, there's too many heartless, we have to take them out," I said.

Sora nodded in agreement. We were then taken out the heartless one by one, until they were no more.

Sora then walked to Kairi.

"You are different Kairi, i'm just glad your here," Sora said.

"You, Riku, and (Y/n) never came home so I came looking for you," Kairi said.

"I'm sorry," Sora said.

Kairi then ran and hugged him.

Ansem was about to leave until Sora stopped him.

"Wait Ansem, I mean Xehanort's Heartless, I never thought for a second that I'd ever see you again," Sora said," Just thinking about all the things you did really makes me mad, but, but you saved Kairi, Right? I have to be grateful for that, thanks."

Ansem was about to leave again, until Kairi ran up to him and grabbed his hand.

"Riku, don't go!" She exclaimed.

Sora, Donald, Goofy, and I, were all shocked.

"Kairi, what did you just say?" Sora asked.

"Riku," Kairi repeated.

"I'm no one just a castaway from the darkness," Ansem or Riku said.

"Sora, (Y/n) come here, say something to him," Kairi told us.

Sora then looked at me and I nodded my head. We both walked up to Riku and Kairi.

Kairi grabbed our hands and placed them on Riku's.

"Close your eyes," Kairi told us.

Sora and I both did what Kairi told us and closed our eyes. We then saw Riku.

Sora and I opened are eyes. Sora started to cry first, then I did.

"Riku, it's Riku, Riku's here," Sora said,

"We looked for you," I cried.

"C'mon Sora, (Y/n), you've got to pull it together," Riku said.

"We've looked everywhere for you," Sora said.

"I didn't want you to find me," Riku said.

"But you left clues didn't ya," Goofy said.

I was starting to worry you guys wouldn't catch on. Sora never did pick the brightest friends."

I turned to look at Donald who looked offended. I smiled and turned back to Riku.

"Why didn't you let us know you were okay?" Sora asked.

"I told you, I didn't want to be found," Riku said.

"But Riku, what about our promise?" I asked," you said we would meet again one day, and when we did, we would be together forever."

"I know, and I'm not gonna break that promise," Riku said.

I smiled at him.


It was the end. We all returned to Destiny islands safe and sound.

Donald, Goofy, and Mickey were there with Kairi. Donald and Goofy ran up to me and Sora and Mickey ran to Riku. Donald ran up to me and hugged me, and I hugged back. I smiled. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I stopped hugging Donald and turned around to see Riku. 

"Yes Riku?" I asked.

Riku than kissed me on the lips and I kissed back. Sora and the gang aw'd at this. Riku the pulled back and said,

"I love you (Y/n)," Riku said.

"I love you too," I said.


Hope you liked it.

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