Ventus x Kemonomimi!Reader

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Okay so this how it is going to work I guess.

Kemonomimi- A person who has animal parts.

( Your animal ears) - (Y/a/e)

(Your animal tail) - (Y/a/t)

(I don't know tbh, I kind of made my own world for this in which Ventus visits.)


I was running, I was being hunted. People always hunt my kind because we are special. We have animal parts. Just ears and tails, not paws or anything. I had (Y/a/e) ears and a (Y/a/t) for a tail. They're wasn't a lot of my kind left because of us being hunted. There were those who would stand and protect are world, and those who would only bring destruction to it. Since I'm not of age, I couldn't do either one. But I know I would chose to protect this world, it feels like my destiny. My mother was one of the good people until she was hunted down. We always have a special celebration for her once every year.

"Come on man, it's getting dark. We'll hunt for her in the morning."

I sighed in relief. The hunters had stopped chasing me. I lean against a tree to try and catch my breath. The cold air of the night felt nice against my hot burning skin.

"When will this end?" I muttered to myself.

I entered the forest. My home was not that far a walk so I can go home and rest soon. As I was walking home I bumped into something. I fell to the ground groaning a little in pain. I looked up and saw a blonde haired boy. But my eyes widened at the boy, he didn't have a pair animal ears or a tail. I started to tremble in fear.

"Are you okay," the boy had asked me.

I didn't answer. I stayed quiet. It wasn't forbidden, but my mom said never talk or interact with a human.

"Can you not talk?" He asked.

Although the did seem nice. I shook my head at him.

"So why don't you talk?"

I sighed.

"My mother said not to talk to a human," I mutter quietly, but he still heard me.


"Because human's are our enemies," I said.

He gave me a confused look.

"I don't get it, why," he said.

"Because, what person is born with a animal tail and ears. Humans hunt us down just because of it," I explained.

"Oh, well, you're too pretty to be hunted." The boy then covered his mouth after what he had said.

I giggled.

"Well, anyway my name is Ventus, but you can call me Ven," the boy said.

I smiled,"And my name is (Y/n)."

He held out his hand. I was going to grab it but then.

"See man, I told if we said that she would stop running."

I froze in fear. I turned my head and saw the two hunters that are hunting me.

I quickly got up and started sprinting.

"You're not getting away this time," one of the men said as he pulled out his gun.

"Hold it!"

I stopped running. I turned and saw Ventus standing in front of me.

"Hey get out of the way man, we need money."

Ventus shook is head," look at her, she is human too, she has feelings just like you. Tell me something, what's so different about her?"

One of the hunters laughed," you don't get it. Here in our world we need money, and we can't work for it, so we have to sell for it."

"You hurt her then you have to get through me first," Ventus said.

"Okay whatever you say kid."

The two hunters pointed their guns at Ventus. I gasped in fear, but then gasped in shock to see that Ventus had a weapon of his own. It was like a key shaped weapon of some sort. Still, it wouldn't be enough against to guns.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I then grabbed a hold of my necklace, it allows me to transform into the animal that I have the ears and tail of. I jumped in front of Ventus and growled. The hunters stepped back in fear. I took this as an advantage to attack. I lunged towards the two men and pushed them back on the ground. They both had fear in there eyes.

"Okay, we won't hunt you, just don't hurt us," one of the men said in fear.

I snorted and and broke the two guns that they had. I stepped back away and they ran away. I reverted back to my human form. I turned and looked at Ventus and he looked shocked.

"Are okay, Ven?" I asked.

"I didn't known you do that," he replied.

I looked down," I'm sorry for not telling you, I figured I might scare you. I knew you win against them with their weapons."

"Thank you," he said.

"Your welcome."

~Time skip~
Me and Ventus sat on cliff and watched sun set.

"I'm guessing you have to leave soon," I said.

"Yeah," Ventus said.

"Well, I seen around. I have get going too," I said," see ya."

I got up and starting away.


Ventus then grabbed my wrists. I turned around," What is it?"

Ventus then turned me around and  put his hand around my back. He then leaned in and placed is lips on mine. I kissed him back. He then pulled back.

"I'll miss you," he smiled.

I smiled," I miss you."

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