Sora X Self harm!reader Oneshot - I love you

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This is my first book. I'm going to warn you, this will be very cringy but hey I tried.

Warning! There is going to be self harm in this, so if you are squeamish I suggest you don't read this.


I sighed. Today was going to be another day that I had to watch my crush, Sora, with his girlfriend, Kairi. I rubbed my tired eyes as I got out of bed. I didn't really care about today, I was just going to close myself out from the world. I put on my (f/c) hoodie and a pair of jeans with my (f/c) vans. I brushed my hair and put on other stuff like perfume, deodorant, and makeup. I walked out of my house and made my way off to school. Since my parents died I had nobody but my friends, even they couldn't cheer me up. I just want to disappear one day, and never come back.

I got to my final class of the day, yay! I sat there listening to the teacher blabbing on about whatever. I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Sora. I my cheeks turned a pinkish color. I shook my head and asked.

"Ya need something?"

"Do you got a pencil?" He asked

Of course he needed a pencil. I sighed and handed him one.

"Bring your own next time," I say.

"I always forget," he said.

I just nodded my head slowly and turned my head forward again.

I looked to my left and saw Kairi glaring at me. I rolled my eyes at her.


The school day had just ended and I was making my way home. I didn't bother to hang out with my friends today. No matter what the occasion. I sped home so nobody could talk to me. Once I got home, I immediately went to my bathroom.

"I don't want to be here anymore. No one really cares for me, so what's the point," I say to myself.

I grabbed a razor and pulled up my sleeve to my left arm. I pressed the blade against my skin hard and dragged downward a little. I closed my eyes tightly in pain as blood started to flow out of the cut. I cut a few more times on my left arm then moved to my right arm. I did this for a couple more minutes. I went to my medicine cabinet and grabbed a whole bottle a pills. I was about to open it when my bathroom door flew open. I looked up to see who it was. I got this lump in my throat, I regretted telling my friends that they wouldn't see me tomorrow or the next day. I saw Sora standing in the doorway, he looked like he was almost out of breathe.

"(Y/n)," he said.

Tears started to form in my eyes. I looked away from him and tried to open the cap to the pill bottle. I couldn't get it to budge. Suddenly, and hand grabbed the bottle out of my hand and threw it in the trash can. Tears were now rolling down my cheeks.

"(Y/n) why are you trying to kill yourself?" Sora asked me.

Sora took me into his embrace. I cried into his shoulder.

"It's okay, i'm here for you," he said.

"I don't want to be here anymore," I spoke into his shoulder.

Sora faced me towards him.


"My parents died and I have no one who truly cares about me. I would have you, but your dating Kairi, and my friends and I aren't hanging out as much as we used to," I explain.

I began to sob. I didn't mention the part where Kairi was bullying me because I didn't want Sora to think I'm just making stuff up about her.

"(Y/n) please don't cry," Sora said calmly.

"Why would you care, you don't love me," I say.

Sora wiped away my tears.

"(Y/n) I wouldn't be here if I didn't, I love you," Sora said.

"Then why are you dating Kairi?" I asked.

"Aren't you dating Riku?" Sora asked.

Realization then hit me, there was a stupid rumor going around that Riku asked me out and I said yes.

"He never asked me out, that was just a rumor going around," I explain to Sora.

"You're not. That's the only reason that i'm dating Kairi, I thought that you and Riku were dating so Kairi asked me out and I said yes because I wanted someone to be with too," Sora explained.

"But you have Kairi now and I have no-"

I was cut off by a pair of lips touching mine. I was shocked at first then slowly started to kiss back. Sora then broke the kiss.

"Don't say that, you still have me, besides I broke up with Kairi once I found out what she was doing to you," Sora said. 

I smiled at him.

"I've been wanting to ask this for a long time but I never had the guts to. (Y/n) will go out with me?" Sora asked me.

"Yes," I said.

He tried to hug me but I pushed him back.

"Why?" He asked.

"Could you get me a towel?" I ask.

"Have you been cutting yourself?" Sora asked.

I shamefully nodded.

"We'll take care of that just don't do it again okay," Sora said while handing me a towel.

"Okay," I say.

"Okay," Sora said while kissing my tears away.

"Okay," I say, giggling a little bit.

Sora hugged me and said.

"I love you."


I'm sorry if this sucked, like I said this is my first story. And I will be happy to take requests too.

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