Chapter 15

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Watching my reflection in the mirror I was happy with the woman returning the gaze, the long pink dress kissing my tights and showing my left leg and the Little Golden piece on my waist made me feel comfortable and confident, I smiled back at the reflection happy with who I am right now.

The Little episode with Bernard left me feeling like a lightning came down and crashed my heart making it ignite and burn with desire. I recall standing in the middle of the hallway waiting until my heart could stop beating fast, when it happened I just opened my room and got in. I sat down on the bed thinking deeply about what happened, I was confused and my feelings were a mix of desire and shock, desire because I really wanted him to kiss me and shock because lately I've been feeling my heart fluterring every time he is nearby

I was scared of this. Scared of feeling something I know  was wrong.

The sound on my cellphone snapped me out of my thoughts, I walked towards the little nightstand next to my bed to grab it.

'' we left earlier to find a good table, we will be waiting for you there''- Matt.

I stared at my pone for a couple of minutes. ''WE'' I knew who he was refering to, but I'm still not sure if I can handle seeing him right now, I have not get over the scene from earlier.

Stop Monse! You are a woman not a little girl. You've got to face reality.

I turned and picking up my clutch from the bed and putting my cellphone inside. I locked the door and walked down the hallway towards the lift.

I was tapping the floor with the heel of my Golden shoes that made me look a Little bit tallter than I was, the sound of the doors opening brought me back and I stepped inside. In a short of time I was standing at the entrance of the big salon were the dinner was being held.

Waiters and waitress were going in and out carrying trays full of food, the venue was absolutely stunning decorated and I wondered why; Most of this people right here were important either in business or technology industry, they have to impress them.

I started looking for Matt and Bernard but with all the people standing and chatting that was an imposible mission for me to complete. After a few sorry's I made my way to the first tables' located in front of a Little balcony with an awesome view of Chicago at night.

"You look beautiful tonight" I Heard someone whispering in my ear.

I turned and I saw Matt wearing a black tuxedo, he looked handsome.

"Thank you Matt, in fact you don't look so bad yourself."I said smiling.

"Ha! I bet im the best thing you will see tonight, this place is full of creeps".

I knew he was teasing me but with Matt I could not help but do the same.

"Oh isn't it the doctor who was trying to help you out this afternoon? " I told him pointing out something unexistented behind him.

He quickly turned around, almost hitting a waiter.

I laughed.

"Monserrat that is not funny, I should have embarrased myself if I've hit that poor waiter."

"I know your ego would have survived. "

He just glared at me blankly.

"By the way, where is Bernard?"

"I'm right behind you."He said.

I did not want to turn around, I was not prepared but his voice make me shiver. I Slowly turned and my blood pressure was at the top, he was wearing a white and black tuxedo, his hair was combed backwards making his hazel eyes popped out, he was giving me a hard time just being three steps away from me when my whole body was remebering our scene a few hours ago.

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