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I looked back at Simon as I landed, he was the reason I couldn't take away all of Landon's memory when I had the chance. He could've recognized me. So I just left, leaving my work unfinished, but maybe it was for the best.

Sofia did what no one else around here did, she went straight back to her friends and family. Well, at least almost at once. She didn't try living with one of her own, she went straight to Josh. Maybe I could've done the same. But it's too late for me. It's too late to be alive again. I just know I saved Simon. And therefore he could be Sofia's brother for real.

Also, I was happy. I was alive, I was more than alive, I was powerful. I earned my power through the years and took the power from Doni and Nick with the help of my friend, Apex. No one really know his real name, he just use Apex. He was sharing the power of the group with Nick and Doni before but he then came over and begged me to help him take it over.

I've ruled the group for 5 years with Apex by my side, but now it seemed like it would end, having Sofia here now.

"We meet again here at noon tomorrow. All of us" Sofia announced, making the whole group agree before disappearing. I was gonna leave too but Sofia took my arm before I had the chance. "Walk with me" she spoke, I nodded. She was the boss now. I let my power over to her by admitting my wrongs.

Sofia and I walked side by side down the street, towards the house I knew as the sidemen house. I had been there once before I died, a week after I was let out of Harry's apartment for the first time. It was so long ago, I couldn't believe that Simon still lived there.

After quietly walking for what felt like hours Sofia stopped us both and turned to me.

"Louise, I know that I have actually taken the power from you" she began and I nodded, why did she have to remind me? It was bad enough like it was. "And you probably hate me" she then added, I said nothing. I mean, I didn't like her, but I didn't hate her either. She's just unliked by me at the moment.

"So, what are you trying to say?" I asked her, probably sounding more rude than I meant to.

"I want us to be friends, not enemies" she explained. "Like our brothers is. And I know you are older than me, but I think we could be great friends if we tried" she told me.

"Maybe" I replied, looking around at the houses. We weren't that far from the sidemen hq. "We could discuss it after I give your friend his memory back" I told her and she agreed.

"Alright, sounds good" she replied before pointing towards the house. "It's not that far" she said and I nodded. Then we walked together towards the house in silence. I wanted to say something, I really did, but it felt awkward. 

Sherlock Minter vol 4Where stories live. Discover now