Clips: Part 4

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Screen flashes on and Mal and Ben are at their picnic.

Mal: Would you like a hot hors d'oeuvres? [Hands one to him]

Ben: [Eats it]

Mal: Ah.

Ben: This is the best thing I've ever had.

Mal: So you like it?

Ben: Of course I like it. I mmh so like it.

"You actually made that?" Asked Evie.

"Someone must've did that for me. I can't cook." Said Mal.

Ben: Is this beef ragout?

Mal: Yeah.

Ben: This is amazing.

Mal: Did I surprise you?

"That's the face she makes when she's guilty." Said Jay.

"What would she be guilty of?" Asked Ben.

"Probably getting someone else to make that meal." Said Evie.

"That's all my favorite dishes!" Said Belle.

Ben: Yeah you surprised me. This is every single dish Mrs. Potts made for my parents. What'd it take you, three days?

Mal: You know. Don't even ask me.

"She definitely did something." Said Jay. Then Carlos, Jay, and Evie all turn to each other.

"Magic!" They said at the same time.

"Took you guys long enough." Said Mal.

"You already knew?" Asked Ben.

"Well if I can't do something, I rely on magic." Said Mal.

"I thought it was in the museum?" Asked Ben.

"I must've got it back."

Ben: Well it means a lot that you stopped and did this for me. Especially with all the craziness you've been put through. [Grabs her hand]

"She feels guilty." Said Belle.

Ben: I missed you. [Plays with her hair] We don't get much time to be just us.

Mal: [Wipes food from his face]

Ben: Can't take me anywhere I guess.

"Nope." Said Chad. Everyone laughed.

Mal: Ah! [Laughs]

Ben: Do you have a napkin or something.

Mal: I do! I packed some! I can grab them.

Ben: [Pulls out her spell book]

Everyone gasped.

"Why would she bring it?" Asked Chad.

Ben: What's this?

Mal: I actually threw that in super last minute in case it rained or--

Ben: Speed reading spell. Blonde hair spell. [Pause] Cooking spell. And I was giving you props for doing your best.

"Busted!" Said Jay.

Mal: Take back this moment that has passed. Return it. Reverse it.

"She forgot her own spell!" Laughed Chad.

"That's what she gets." Said Audrey.

Ben: Are you trying to spell me right now?!

Mal: It's been so hard for me!

Ben: Yes some things are hard. Do you think learning to be king has been easy for me?!

Mal: No! [Chuckles]

Ben: I thought we were in this together!

Mal: Ben, we are in this together!

Ben: No we're not, Mal! You've been keeping secrets and lying to me! I thought we were done with that. This isn't the Isle of the Lost, Mal.

"He crossed the line." Said Jay.

Mal: Yeah, believe me I know that!

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Ben.

Ben: Then why are you doing this?

Mal: Because! I'm not one of those pretty pink princesses, Ben! I'm not one of those ladies of the court! I'm a big fake. I'm fake. This is fake. This is fake. [Picks up spell book]

"What's she doing now?" Asked Evie.

Mal: Take this feast this sumptuous meal. Return it back to what is real. [Shows a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a glass of milk] This is who I really am.

"Awww." Said almost everyone. I'm pretty sure you know who didn't say it.

Mal: [Walks away]

Ben: Mal.

Mal: No. No.

"So that's why Mal went back to the Isle." Said Zara.

"Oh." Said Mal.

"Because of me." Said Ben.

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