The Nerd

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In this story Raegan has top/bottom surgery and Justin only has top.

Raegan's pov

Hi my name is Raegan Beast and I'm known as the school nerd. Lately I've been noticing the popular guy named Justin Blake staring at me in the classes I have with him. I gotta admit I've had a crush on him since 8th grade but he'll never like me back.

Justin's pov

What's up guys I'm Justin Blake and I'm known as the popular guy at school. It's because of my social media following, everyone just wants to use me. Anyways lately I've been noticing how hot the school nerd Raegan Beast looks. The way he bites his lip when he's focused the way he blushes easily when he catches me staring at him. I've had a crush on him since 8th grade. Later on I see him at his locker getting his lunch and I walk up to him and pin him against his locker.

Raegan's pov

It was lunch time and I was getting my lunch only to turn around and be pinned against my locker by my crush, Justin Blake. I looked up at him and he came by my ear and said "Meet me after school in the parking lot, you're coming over to my house to help me with my math. See you then?" I started to squirm under him, he has that effect on me. I nodded my head and he kissed my cheek and left me there shocked. "Does he like me?" I started to question myself. No it can't be, there's no hope, I guy can only dream.

Later on when school ended

I finished packing my bag and met Justin in the school parking lot. My parents are in England for a few weeks so I don't have to worry about telling them about the tutoring. He noticed me and started smirking. I started to blush like crazy, I hate that I do that. He said "So you ready Rae?" I started to blush again, nobody's ever called me Rae. I said "Yes." While looking down. He lifted my chin up and said "I wanna see that pretty little face of yours" while slowly running his hands down my sides and my inner thighs close to my dick. I cleared my throat and backed away and said "So, we leaving now?" I said with flushed cheeks while biting my lip. He said "yeah" while looking at me with lust? No I'm probably seeing things.

When they got to the house (because I'm lazy)

Justin's pov

We finally got to my house and his face looked surprised and in awe. My house is pretty big but not mansion size big. Anyways I lead him to my bedroom and we sat on my bed. He said "So let's get started." And took out his book. I said "Awe man, I left mine at school, can we share yours?" I said while smirking, knowing he would slip up on his words. "S-sure we can." He said. I then got closer and closer till our thighs were touching. He tensed up a bit but then I put my arm around his waist and he completely froze. "What's the matter?" I said teasing him, "N-nothing" he said. He was looking down at the book and I just took it from him and threw it across the room. "W-why'd you d-do that?" He said stuttering which I thought was cute. I said nothing. I then looked at him while biting my lip and slowly ran my hand over his crotch. He let put a gasp but I still continued. We both looked each other in the eye and I started to go faster making a bulge appear in his jeans. "M-mh" he moaned out quietly. I could tell he was trying to hold back so I whispered in his ear "let them out baby, I wanna hear you." I then started sucking on his neck and then slowly crawled being him so he was sitting in between my legs. I then unbuckeld his jeans when he stopped me "no no no" he kept on protesting. I just continued to pull them down while kissing his neck. I stopped and then he noticed his erection was out and he started to cover up. I took his hands up and started to rub his dick slowly. "Mmm" he started moaning. I started to go faster and then his head fell back on my shoulder. "Ahh!" His moans got louder and started to fill the room. I started moaning because of his moans. "Mmm" I said in his ear. I started going even faster while massaging his balls "Justin I can't take it" he moaned. I said "let it out baby, come on." I said going even faster. I felt him twitch in my hand. "Uhhhh!" He moaned while he came in my hand.

Raegan's pov

That was amazing. He then said "We're still not done." While smirking. I started to bite my lip and took of my glasses and said "What else Jay?" He said nothing, just walked into his bathroom and got Vaseline?? He said "lie back on the bed and spread your legs" I did as told. He then got on his knees on the bed and got some Vaseline and started rubbing my dick and wow it felt good. "How does that feel baby?" When he called me baby I instantly blushed "it-it feels nice, m-mh. He then started to hover over me and looked me in the face and said "how does this feel?" He then started to trace gently over my balls and traced over my dick too. "It tickles a bit" I said while giggling a little bit. He then took one of my balls in his mouth and said "does that?" I said nothing. He then continued to suck on my balls while stroking my dick and it felt amazing. I've never experienced this before. He still continued to do it for what seemed like hours and the pleasure was too much "UHH! JUSTIN THIS IS TOO MUCH PLEASE STOP!" I screamed but he kept going. "Mhhh" he moaned on my balls and then I came. He then stopped and said "be mine?" I said "yes" and then we made out and watched tv for the rest of the night.

The end.

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