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Raegan has both,  Justin has top

Justin's pov

I woke up at 3 am in the morning to Raegan moaning in his sleep. I noticed his bulge through the blankets. He then moaned my name, "J-Justin". I then went underneath the blankets and pulled down his pants and started calming him through his boxers. "Mmmh" he moaned, I was surprised he was still asleep. I then slowly pull his boxers down and started sucking at a slow pace. "Uhh" he started moaning louder and then eventually woke up. "J-Justin w-hat are y-you..ahh" he said. "Just pleasuring you, now tell me what your dream was about" I said completely stopping. "P-please don't stop" he said. I asked "Why?" And starting to rub him faster. "Because" *HEAVY BREATHING* "because it feels" *HEAVY BREATHING* "g-good OH SHIT!!" He said. "Describe your dream" I said then started sucking again.

Raegans's pov

He started sucking me again. It was so hard to speak. "U-um we w-were um" I said trying to speak. "If you don't tell me I'll stop" he said teasingly. "Ok, we were in the shower and you were washing me o-off" I said. "Mhm" he said while sucking me and it sent vibrations through my whole body. "And then you pinned me against the wall-FUCK!!!!" I said while I was receiving so much pleasure. He stopped sucking and jacked me off. He looked me in the eyes with innocence and said "Yeah, what else?" And started going faster. "You sucked me off..." I said trailing off. I looked through my droopy eyelids to see him eying my every movement. I started holding back my moans as he went even faster and then he came up to my ear and said, "let them out baby." I started moaning louder and louder. "DADDY I'M GONNA CUM-FUCK!!!!" I said. "Cum for me baby" he said. "Uh!" I squealed getting closer to my climax. "That's it baby boy." He said, then I released, "OOHHHH!!! JUSTIN!" He then looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back and then he kissed me. "Good morning babe." He said. And trust me it was a good morning. We then decided to watch Netflix and then fell asleep again.

The end.

Jaegan SmutWhere stories live. Discover now