On Hold

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Guys this book is going to be on hold. I just can't really write and function right now. I don't understand why people have to comment in the comments section these things. It's called fan fiction for a reason. You can fantasize how you want these chapters to be and I'll do the same. You don't have to call me out for it. If you see other jaegan smut, some of them are like mine, some not. We're all different. If everyone wrote the same thing and wrote the story the way you want it to be, it would get pretty boring after a while, at least for me it would. Different stories are written by people with different interests in how the story would be in their eyes. I understand you are upset but I'd rather write a story the way I want it to be and a story that I like, than write a story that I know others would like, because I know that if I write stories the way others want it to be, I'm just writing a story that they want written, and not what I want written. I like writing my own ideas down. So go ahead and comment on what's wrong with my book, but realise that mistakes is what makes writing, writing. People make mistakes, no one is perfect. Making mistakes in writing only make your writing better. Go and comment the wrong about my book, I don't care anymore. I've been through enough mistakes in life to stop now. Anyways guys, I'm sorry for putting this book on hold. I hope you can understand.

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