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CHAPTER ELEVEN ____________________"There's nobody better than you to answer this question

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"There's nobody better than you to answer this question."

"Naru, I love you, but I have a training session with the Academy students in ten minutes."

"C'mon, Ayame-chan!" Naruto pleaded, moving himself to stand in front of her so she couldn't walk away.

"You don't need me for training. You have Kakashi Sensie for that, you know." She insisted, her short hair bobbing slightly as she shifted towards the side.

"Okay, okay. I don't need you for training." He admitted.

"Exactly. Now let's go home! You wanted to try that new ramen flavor, didn't you?" She tilted her head.

"Wait! I did." He paused."But there's something more important than that new ramen flavor."

Her crimson eyes widened slightly."This must be serious."

"I was devising for us to go on a walk. A date!"

She smiled lightly, planting a kiss on his tan cheek.

"Then I guess we're going for a walk."

double update!

so fun fact i started this story with something else in mind but i've just thought of this super sad ending, because all the endings to my books so far have been happy.

i high key want to do this plot twist, but what do you think? happy or sad ending?

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