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Elizabeth had fainted out of fear and now lay unconscious in my arms. I had been unable to move the fear still fresh in the air and my heart still banged in my chest. She had told the truth I thought a ghost really was here.

The sun's light shone through the window, illuminating the room in a warm glow. The house was silent as where the streets below not a sound which was unusual for London since noise ran like clockwork, but now the city might as well be dead.

Elizabeth stirred in my arms but did not wake, even in sleep she looked troubled lines running across he face. Giving her youthful face a weathered look. 

after sometime more I found the heart to stand back up. Though my hands were still weak and shaking I carried Elizabeth over to the bed. I was unsure as to whether or not I should leave her in fear of the ghost coming back to haunt her. Then I decided that when I was well I would move her into another room. One closer to mine so I could keep her safe. 

I patted her head and left the room though I kept the door open. I slowly made my way to Alfread's room who was sleeping soundly, though he had bled through his bandages. I moved closer and grabbed the roll of bandages from the bedside table. Leaning over him I unwound the bandage on his head and replaced it with a fresh one careful not to wake him up.

I sat back and noticed that a paper and pen lay next to his hand. I took the paper and found that he had drawn a man, (Alfread was always good at drawing) The man looked like he was about Alfread's age with dark hair, glasses, and a thick mustache. The man looked vaguely familiar, and I sat there staring at the portrait until something jarred my memory.

"Walter Kenderbridge." and old friend of Alfread's until one day something happened, and Alfread stopped acknowledging his existence at all till he was no more then a faint memory. 

I had met Walter on eight occasions almost all of them having to do with business between the two, but I remember on one occasion where Walter was present for one of my birthdays. I don't remember why, but I know he was there.

He stood a little ways off from the rest of the boys that had shown up. I turned 15 that day, he had looked at me strangely his eyes mixed with thought and some other emotion I was to young to quite understand, but now I do. It was lust.

I had told Alfread that Walter had begun to make me feel uncomfortable, and Alfread asked him to leave. Walter had forced a smile and nodded to us saying something about needing to run an errand anyway, and grabbed his hat. 

He had turned his head to me, and smirked then walked down the steps. Shortly after the two fell apart and he was never mentioned again. 

I became aware that Alfread was watching me. I set the paper down and faced him.

"How are you feeling brother?" 

"It was him, he jumped me in the alley."


"Some of us can move on from the past William, and other's find it difficult."

"Did he take anything?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"Had you heard from him anytime before that?"

"No, I cut off all communication with him years ago."

"How would he know you'd be in the alley?"

"It's hard to say, but I wouldn't be surprised if a man like Walter had been keeping watch on us."

"You think he was watching us?"

"It's the only reasonable explanation, that or he simply saw me on the streets and decided to jump me."

"Do you think it was him? all the deaths?"

"William, Walter is and was a great many things and if his fantasies were twisted I doubt the rest of his mind is different."

"Should I tell the police?"

"Yes, at this point that would probably be best."

I told the police about what Alfread and I had discussed, and Alfread gave them the drawing. I left the room while they asked some questions to go check on Elizabeth. She was still right were I left her silent and unmoving, save for the steady rise and fall of her chest. 

I went back to Alfread's room just as they where finishing up. One of the officers who was a big burly man with a very thin mustache, and hardly any neck gestured to me outside with large fleshy hands. 

The other officer went out leaving just the two of us. The officer took out a cigar and lit it, then turned to me. 

"All righ' chap you done the right thing in getting us." he said through puffs of smoke.

"My pleasure anything we can do to help."

"Here's the thing son, murderers, mad men no less are dangerous now I need you to promise me that you won't go searching around, in case they get a whiff of it and come and find ya."

"I appreciate your concern, and you have my word we wont go looking for any trouble."

He eyed me over, then with a nod of satisfaction and another long draw from his cigar he turned on his heel and headed out. 

Question: Do you think Alfread and Walter possibly had a romantic relationship? let me know in the comments, and vote.

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