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Happy New Years Eve everyone!!!!

Around ten o'clock I decided it would be best to retire for the night. As I climbed the stairs Alfread's words paraded through my mind.

I admired my brother for his undying devotion and love for Eliza; however, I was equally worried about him. No man should have to carry such a burden of never loving or being loved because of one person.

I stood at the top of the stairs and glanced at my bedroom door where Elizabeth slept soundly, and I realized just how lucky I was to love such a woman, and that I had her love as well.

I stayed at the top of the stairs for a minute longer before continuing to Elizabeth's former room.

The door emitted a soft creak as I pushed it open. The room was chilly, but not unbearable. I slowly made my way over to the bed where I undressed and slipped under the covers.

I rested my arms beneath my head and gazed softly at the ceiling.

I would be happily married in a little over a week to the woman of my dreams, and eventually, we would have children.

The thought of the wonderful future cause a grin to spread across my lips; however, as my eyes closed my mind wandered away to the pink ballerina who had danced so carefully away from my brother, and to another man. My last thought before drifting into a deep slumber was the image of a young woman, as she gracefully twirled in the presence of her majesty the Queen.

I became aware of someone shaking me awake and calling my name. I opened an eye and looked to see who had woken me.

I looked at the face of my brother cast a glow by a candle's light.

"Alfread?" I asked, "what is the matter?"

"Brother a man is at the door looking for a doctor, apparently his wife is ill."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes "Tell him I will be right down."

Alfread nodded and exited the room. I pushed the covers from my legs and stood up.

I dressed quickly and hurried down the stairs where I found Alfread standing by a man dressed in a soot-covered clothes.

I grabbed my coat and bag and gestured for him to lead the way.

Stepping out into the streets we were met by the cool damp air of the night. The surrounding area was nearly pitch black save for the occasional street lamp.

I followed closely behind the old man and eventually found myself in the slums. We walked into a small establishment that housed over nine people, who sat huddled together in the corner for warmth.

The man pointed me to a corner where a woman aged ten years by hard labor laid on a pile of thin ratty blankets.

I came forward bending over her, her skin was discolored and her eyes were sunken in from dehydration.

I picked up on of her hands and found that it was extremely wrinkled and that the blankets where soiled.

"She has cholera," I told the man "there is nothing I can do."

The man said nothing merely casting his eyes to the floor in defeat.

"How long has she been this way?"

"Long enough for me to become desperate," he answered.

I stood up and brushed myself off. Leaning in towards the man I whispered to him my only piece of advice I had to offer.

"Change the blankets and try and make her as comfortable as possible."

He nodded again, his eyes drifting over to his wife.

"Thank you, doctor, I appreciate you coming out for us."

"I'm sorry."

I shook the man's hand and headed back out into the street. I made my way up the road and began the trip home much slower than usual and my shoulders slumped forward much more than usual.

I opened the door and walked inside casting off my coat and bag. Alfread stood up from the couch and looked at me.

"Well?" he asked.

I shook my head "the woman has severe cholera, there was nothing I could do."

He moved towards me and clasped a hand on my shoulder.

"I know how it makes you feel when things like this happen."

"Why did I become a doctor anyway if half the time there's nothing I can do, but tell the families to make them comfortable for the reaper?" I replied bitterly.

"Now you listen here!" Alfread began sternly "You became a doctor, and a bloody good one at that because you wanted to help people. And lord knows you can't help everyone and that's hard, but you have helped people that wouldn't have received anything if it weren't for you."

I offered him no reply. A sigh came from him as he slipped his hand into his coat and brought forth a cigar. He lit it and I brought it to my mouth taking in long draws trying to force the regret away.

When it had burned out I felt no better but did my best to put on a good face for Alfread. He saw right through me as he often did. Sighing again he took my hand, and lead me back up the stairs to my room.

I walked in and he stopped at the doorway, his thumb drawing up and down the wall.

I turned to look at him, "William never forget it you are a good man, and what happened tonight isn't your fault sometimes we can't fix things and we have to let that go."

I nodded to him again.

"Good night brother," he said as he moved from the door and moved back towards his own room. I stood there gazing at the spot where he had stood, the walked over and slowly shut the door and made my way back over to the bed where I welcomed the dark embrace of sleep. 

Q: How would you all feel or have handled the situation if you were William?

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