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That evening the mademoiselle made dinner claiming that she needed something to do les she go mad. Elizabeth sat at the table in silence, her face still having yet to regain much of it's color. I placed a bowl in front of her which she ignored.

"Elizabeth you need to eat." I whispered scooting the bowl back to her.

"I won't be able to swallow a bite."

"Just try, look at you you are getting thin."

"Do as he says Elizabeth." The mademoiselle cut in.

"Please darling just eat a little."

She nodded her head and picked up her spoon, eat a bite or so then pushed the bowl away. I sighed and took it back to the kitchen, and filled up a bowl for Alfread. I brought it up to his room, knocking once before entering. 

Alfread was laying on his back looking at the ceiling, as if in deep thought.

"I have dinner for you!"

He ripped his eyes away from the ceiling and looked at me. 

"Thank you William." 

I went over and set the bowl down next to him, then paused making up my mind to speak.

" you believe in ghosts?"

Alfread's face broke into a grin and laughed heartily, but stopped when he saw my face.

"You can't be serious William, you of all people wondering if ghosts exist. Elizabeth hasn't gotten to your head has she?"

"I know it's sounds ridiculous brother-

"Down right outrageous! You know ghosts don't exist once we die, we die and that's it. Your a bloody doctor for Christ sake!"

"Your right, I'm sorry."

"What got this crazy idea in your noggin anyways?"

"Elizabeth was shouting last night so I went to investigate."


"I bloody saw the thing Alfred! It looked jus' like the man when we found him dead!"

"Rubbish, simply a trick of the light."

"Alfread I know what I saw!"

"No, you know what this is? you're bloody stressed, with your wedding and everything happening."

I sighed running my hands over my face.

"You're right, you're right." I said more to myself than to him.

"Now forget about this "ghost" and get your arse some dinner!"

I sat by the fire, staring into the flickering glow as I pondered what Alfread had said. Simply a trick of the're a bloody doctor! I sighed once more and brought the bottle to my lips, swallowing the brown liquid. 

Alfread's right we are simply stressed! No matter how many times I repeated that to myself I didn't believe it. I took another swallow from the bottle then decided to go back to Elizabeth's room, and put this ghost madness behind me.

I convinced Elizabeth to sleep in my room tonight while I stayed in hers. The house was quiet and I sat in the corner. I waited for the ghost to appear and attempt at frightening me, but it never came.

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