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"Snape is a dick, Evans, why don't you get that?"

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"Snape is a dick, Evans, why don't you get that?"

Julia Thorne leaned against a wall, arms crossed over her chest, an unlit cigarette dangling from her mouth. She had just witnessed Severus blow Lily off for his Slytherin friends, something that had been occurring more often lately.

"At least he doesn't smoke those death sticks," Lily retorted, unable to find a way to stick up for Severus at the moment.

"Calm down, it's just for the aesthetic, Evans. You can't deny the fact it makes me ten times hotter."

Julia lifted the cigarette from her mouth and sent a wink in Lily's direction. Lily rolled her eyes and turned to leave. She wouldn't let Julia see the blush that had crept up her neck at that action.

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