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The next week, Lily and Sev were having a much needed catch up session as they wondered the school halls

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The next week, Lily and Sev were having a much needed catch up session as they wondered the school halls.

"I've noticed that you've been talking to Thorne a lot more recently," Sev stated casually

Lily nodded, unsure of where this conversation was going.

"Are you two friends now?" He asked curiously, looking more interested in the subject than Lily thought he should - he wasn't normally that bothered by who she hung out with.

Lily frowned slightly, but made sure to hide it from him; she was fairly sure that her and Julia had never been around each other when Severus was nearby.

"I wouldn't call us friends," she replied slowly, "Why do you ask?"

He seemed to ponder a thought for a moment, then said in a careful tone, "She was just acting a bit odd a couple of weeks ago."

Lily's frown deepened, she wondered why Julia had been acting strangely and why Sev thought it was anything to do with her.

"I have no clue why that might be-" Lily started to say, only to be cut off by a sharp voice.

"We're going to the common room Severus, you should be there," Mulciber informed her friend in a 'don't ask questions' kind of manner.

Sev glanced at Lily and then back to Mulciber before nodding solemnly, "I've got to go," he said, as if she hadn't just heard Mulciber say that.

Lily nodded stiffly, "That's fine," she said, making sure to prevent the irritation she felt from seeping into her voice.

She watched almost helplessly as he retreated down the corridor with a group of Slytherins. Lily hated feeling helpless.

She turned around when yet another voice spoke up, this time a more familiar one. Somehow, Julia had turned up at just the right moment to catch Sev in the wrong - it seemed to be a talent of hers.

"Snape is a dick, Evans, why don't you get that?"

Julia Thorne leaned on a wall, arms crossed over her chest, an unlit cigarette dangling from her mouth. She had just witnessed Severus blow Lily off for his Slytherin friends, something that had been occuring more often lately. Even Lily couldn't deny that anymore.

"At least he doesn't smoke those death sticks," Lily retorted, unable to find a way to stick up for Sev at the moment. She was also shocked that Julia would so blatantly carry one in public, surely the girl knew that they weren't allowed.

"Calm down, it's just for the aesthetic, Evans. You can't deny the fact it makes me ten times hotter." Julia lifted the cigarette from her mouth and sent a wink in Lily's direction.

Lily rolled her eyes and turned to leave. She wouldn't let Julia see the blush that had crept up her neck at that action.

"We still on for next weekend?" Julia called to Lily's back just before she had disappeared round a corner.

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