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Julia waited eagerly for Saturday all week, but when the day finally arrived she found herself nervous

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Julia waited eagerly for Saturday all week, but when the day finally arrived she found herself nervous. There was no way Lily would willingly go to Hogsmeade with her, she'd probably back out at the last moment. Or maybe the other girls in their dorm would decide to tag along, Julia would hate that - she just wanted to be with Lily.

So she was pleasantly surprised when Lily called, while leaving the dormitory, "I'll meet you in the Entrance Hall, Thorne!"

Julia didn't have time to reply before the other girl was gone, instead she allowed a small smile brighten her face.

"What are you smirking at?" Marlene demanded.

Julia cursed silently, having forgot that the blonde was still there.

"Nothing for you to worry yourself with," she replied shortly, turning back to her trunk and pulling out an outfit - one that she definitely hadn't planned out the previous night.

"Why are you going to Hogsmeade with Lily?" Marlene asked suspiciously, frowning at her in scrutiny.

"Because Lily's my friend and I want to spend time with her?" Julia frowned back, like Marlene's question was ridiculous.

"Mkay," She nodded sarcastically, "I'll pretend that I believe you for now, but if you hurt Lily in any way there will be hell to pay."

Julia glared angrily; annoyed at Marlene's threat, but also feeling a begrudging respect for her protectiveness over her friend.

"Why do you care anyway?" She asked, not letting any of those emotions show on her face.

"I just consider it a bit weird that you're suddenly interested in Lily when you've never looked twice at her before." Marlene explained with a shrug, looping her arm through a handbag.

"I consider you weird McKinnon, but you don't see me complaining," Julia shot back.

With an offended scoff, Marlene left the room. Julia rolled her eyes and pulled on her outfit: a comfy pair of jeans, a plain white top and her coat.

 Julia rolled her eyes and pulled on her outfit: a comfy pair of jeans, a plain white top and her coat

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