Chapter 7

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Bringing me to the school was a bad idea. I knew this as soon as I opened my eyes and saw that I was still there. But it was different, like a bad dream that I just wanted to end even though nothing particularly bad had happened yet. I had this feeling of dread, maybe something bad had already happened and I just didn't know it yet.

I left the classroom I was in. The hallway was dark, almost pitch black. Clenching my fists I proceeded forward.  Every room I went into was empty. Every corridor I walked though. Empty. I tired to leave the school itself but when I got the doors open all I saw was blackness. Something I didn't want to even touch let alone go into. So I just shut the doors and chose a different way to go. 

I finally reached the nurses office, though I knew I'd been down this corridor before. Gripping the handle tightly I found it hard for me to turn. Not because it was locked, but because I was so afraid of what I would find on the other side of the door. My Jaw was clenched as I turned the handle and pushed the door open. I was right to be afraid. What I saw was nothing but true horror. 

There they where, Lace and Matty, no longer two but now one person. I fell to my knees, head falling to the side, vision blurring. "Well it took you long enough to get here. I thought Medusa said you cared about them." His voice was muffled by the pounding of my own blood in my ears. But all the same I knew who he was. Stein. A tear rolled down my face. "Why are you crying? They are beautiful now."

"They are not!" The anger that arose from me was something that surprised me. "They were beautiful before." My voice was softer now. More tears rolled down my cheeks.

Stein stepped over to me kneeling down, softly touching my face brushing the tears away. "It's time to wake up." 

And just like that I did. My eyes shot open and the image of my two partners sewn together was etched into my head. I was so angry. I looked around for something to throw. All there was was a table. That'll do. 

I picked it up and threw it at the medicine cabinet in front of me, with all the force I could. the glass of the cabinet, along with some of the glass containers, shattered. But I didn't feel relief, just nausea. I quickly got into the bathroom connected to the room I was in, making sure to close the door, and threw up. All that came up was stomach acid, it burned my throat, but I didn't care.

There was a harsh knock on the door. "Fuck off!" I yelled loud enough to be heard through the door.

"Asura, what happened?" It was Kid, of course it was.

"I said fuck off!" The yelling wasn't helping my burning throat situation. 

"What the fuck happened!?" He was more concerned then angry. I could hear it in his voice.

"They're dead!" I yelled back. My anger now gone and replaced with sorrow with those two simple words.

"Who is?" He knew the answer. Who else would I be talking about.

"Who do you think." Tears started welling up in my eyes, I didn't hold them back. 

Kid opened the door and looked down at me like I was some poor kicked puppy on the side of the street. He sat down next to me and pulled me into his chest. "I'm so sorry." I couldn't retort, I just sat there and cried against his chest like a small child. 

My partners were dead, my soul was broken and I just wanted to give up. But I know that if I did, Medusa would win and I couldn't have that now could I.

(Yo, look I updated because all y'all were all like "please please please update, this is the best story ever" or some shit. This is what I came up with. It's probably not complete shit. At least I hope so. I'd like to think that I'v gotten better at writing. Please, like always, tell me what you think. No fuckin idea when I'll update again. Just so y'all know, i did this for you)

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