The Reaper Asura - Soul Eater FanFic

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"Lace, Matty come on! You should already be up by now!" I shouted, storming into their room.

Lace and Matty are my weapons, two silver guns. Two is always better then one right? Well I'v been going to my fathers acadomy for a year now and they still dont know when they need to be awake and out the door before we are late.

"But Asura, we're tired!!" They both moaned loudy thinking that it would make me leave the room, well they were wrong. Like usual. I Picked up one of the many glasses of water Matty never finishes and poored a bit of the water over each of their heads. They shot up quickly and gave me death glares.

"You can't give me a death glare, I inventend the death glare!" I hit them with the glass and walked out. I love them, but we have a mission today and i really dont want to be late again. I strap my gun belts around my thighs and go back into their room. They are finaly up and getting into their regular uniform. I push some of my bangs out of my face and lean on the door frame till they are all ready. As soon as they where ready we were out the door and heading twords the school. Walking into the Death Room to get our mission i felt a kind of off feeling in the room, like something back was going to happen.

"Hi father." i said trying to keep it cool

"Hi Asura! Hi Matty! Hi Lace! I have a very special mission for you all today. It involves witches. Now this particular witch is very powerful she can control time, and maybe space. I didnt really look up on her all that much. She lives right outside the city and -"

He was cut off by a loud bang and Makas mother running into the Death Room.

"Lord Death the witch you are going to send Kid on is here and is causing some of the buildings in the city to just disapear!"  She looked scared, and that wasnt like her, and before i could even tell them Lace and Matty were turning into their weapon forms.

With guns in had i raced out of the school and saw her, it was like she had been waiting for me and thats when the feeling came back but this time it was much stronger. She gave me a devilish grin and rolled something twords me before running off down the steps of the school. Even tho every bone in my body was telling me i shouldnt follow her, I had to it was my mission. So i started running after her. I jumped over the ball like thing and for some reason the air felt think for a moment and then before i could stop myself from running i ran right into someone causing us to fall sadly with me ontop my knee hitting the ground rather hard.

Biting my bottom lip rather hard to cancel out the pain from my knee as my eyes soon met a pair of yellow eyes just like mine. Only reapers can have yellow eyes...what the fuck is going on?

So that was the first chapter, I made it short cause i just wanted you to know how she switched dementions and shit <3 gonna start working on the next chapter soon soooo yeahh

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