Chapter 8

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"How are you feeling?" Kid walked into the dining hall from the left, then took a seat in front of me at the table. As I looked up at him, all that came to mind was how perfect the room must look right now. Perfectly symmetrical.

"How do you think?" I deadpanned. Our eyes locked, almost as if we were trying to have a staring contest.

"You sure you don't want to try and use Liz or Patty again?" The look in his eyes changed, he looked so sorry for me. I hated it.

I looked away from him, deciding that the wall behind him was much more appealing. I didn't want to see that look in his eyes anymore. "We've tried three times Kid. I can't resonate with them properly. My soul is broken or in the eyes of the textbook, my soul is no longer sound. My mind is all fucked up and my body just wants me to jump off a cliff. I need time to myself."

He got up from the table. "Well you can have time to yourself tomorrow."  He started to leave the room, pausing to look up at the clock above the door. "Father wants us to attend a party at the academy. You have an hour to get ready. What you'll be wearing is laying on your bed." 

"Why do I have to go?" I stood as well, walking over to him.

"Because, he wants to explain why you're here." He answered me as he left the room. Not even acknowledging me before he left.

When I went into my room, I saw the clothes that Kid was talking about. they were simple. Black Velvet above the knee dress with quarter sleeves and a white button down under shirt. There was also a note, 'I know you don't want to go to this party, neither do I, but please just put this on and accessories accordingly. He may not be your father, but that doesn't mean he wont act like it.'  well now I had to go. Sighing, I put the note back onto the bed and headed into the bathroom to shower.

Leaving the bathroom, after drying my hair and putting on a little make up that Liz let me borrow, I saw something new laying on the bed. It was a pair of thigh highs and thigh garters. I sighed, shaking my head, knowing that this was Patty's doing.  Regardless of my new found accessories, I got dressed then did a once over in the mirror. I haven't dressed up in what seems like forever. 

The party went by in a blur of dancing and music. Once Death explained why an almost carbon copy of his son was walking around the City, everyone stopped giving me odd side glances. I just wanted to go back to sleeping till I got bored of even doing that, but I had to be here. I wasn't being forced to stay after Death gave his speech, which also involved Kid putting in his 2 cents. 

I escaped to one of the balconies attached to the ball room. I needed the fresh air. I didn't know I was followed till I heard them clear their throat. Turning towards them I expected to see Kid, but it was Soul standing before me. He was wearing a black suit with a red button up and black tie. He looked good.

"Hi Soul. I thought you were Kid." I gave him a slight smile.

"Yo. I just wanted to see if you were okay." He walked further onto the balcony to stand next to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." I tried not to seem to stand off-ish. 

"Cool." He paused and looked off towards Death City, like he was thinking. "Would you like to dance?" 

I was caught off guard by his question, wondering weather this was why he originally came over here or not. But regardless I nodded yes. "Only if we can dance out here. It's to crowded in there right now for me." 

So we dance. the music from the party in the ball room couldn't be heard out on the balcony but some how we kept in tempo with each other. It was a nice change to everything. Eventually we ended up just standing there holding each other. 

"This was really cool of you, Soul." My voice was really soft. Like when you first wake up and you aren't fully awake. But Soul was so close that I knew he heard me.

"I don't know what I'd do if I lost Maka. We're all worried about you. I know we aren't the versions of us you know, but that wont stop us from acting like it." Soul hugged me tightly, then let me go. As he turned to go back into the ball room, I grabbed his arm.

"Thank you. Tell Kid I'll be back in a bit." As I let go of his arm he smirked.

"Will do." 

Once I joined everyone, the party was coming to a close. I went back home with Kid and as we walked he didn't ask me anything about what me and Soul talked about. Which was nice. 

We got back to his house and I changed into my sleeping clothes. Sitting on my bed, I started to think that maybe sleeping alone wasn't the best idea right now. I convinced myself that maybe something bad could happen or I could just disappear like Lace and Matty. So I decided to go to Kids room.

When I knocked I didn't get an answer. Maybe he was already asleep, it was a big night. I poked my head in and saw that he was indeed asleep. Tip-toeing over to his bed, I crawled in and nuzzled against his side. Even in his sleep he's symmetrical. 

He groaned and looked over at me. "Asura?" 

"Yeah. Sorry, I'm ruining your symmetry aren't I?" I sighed 

"No, actually you're making it better." He scooted over to the side of the bed, so I was on one side and he was on the other. "You can sleep here as long as you want. I understand." Leaning over, he kissed my forehead then layed back on his side of the bed.

"I just don't wanna sleep alone right now." 

"Like I said, I fully understand. I wouldn't want to either if I was going through what you're going through right now. Get some sleep Asura. You need it."

The room went silent and I soon drifted off the sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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