Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - I Cant Believe We're The Same!

My mind was wandering, from the fact that this kid had yellow eyes to the 3 white stripes on his black hair. Realizing how long we had been like that i started to blush. I quickly got off him and then the pain in my knee hit me hard causing me to fall seeing the blood run down my leg. Lace and Matty finaly turned back into their human forms and helped me up.

"We have to get you to the infermory." Lace pleaded wraping his arm aroun my waist.

"I'll take her, Liz, Patty, you take the boys to the Death Room and wait for us there." The kid said and picked me up bridal style and ran into the school.

I'v just met this guy and he's already wanting to help me, what the hell is going on here!?

Was all i could think before he started asking me questions like 'Who are you?' and 'Why do you look just like me but all female like?' I didnt answer because i wanted to know the same thing about him. We reached the imfermory and he sat me down on a bed, and in walked Madusa.

"What the hell! When did a witch start working here!?" My eyes went wide and i scooted away from her as far as i could. I looked over at the kid that brought me in here and he looked compleatly fine. I was starting to get confused so I went with it. I scooted back up and she patched up my knee and smiled. She pushed herself back in her chair and wheeled over to her desk.

"So tell me, whats your name?" She ask leaning forword to look into my eyes.

"My names Asura, but the teachers and staff here are supost to call me Kid." I said still confused as of whats happening.

"Kid as in what?" She asked, but i could tell she already knew the answer.

"As in Death the Kid, duhh, what else would that mean?" I stated matter-o-factly

She looked suprized "No, Death the Kid is sitting right next to you." She pointed to Kid, and thats when i fanted.


I woke up thinking that all of what just happened was a dream, of corse i was wrong. I looked over at Kid and saw him twidling his thumbs, i looked around the room and saw that the suply cabnet was compleatly symetrical. He was just like i was a year ago, how can that be? He then looked up at me and saw that i was awake, his face lit up.

"So I have one question. What the hell is going on?" By the look on his face I knew he didnt know anything i didnt know. I sat up just as the door burst open, a man in a cloke and a mask just like my father. But i knew it wasnt him, it couldnt have been him.

"Whats up guys?" He said in a slightly childish voice. He walked over to Kid and put his hand on his sholder. "So whats the last thing you remember before you ran into Kid here?" He asked patting his sholder.

"I was being sent on a mission by Lord Death, my father, and I incountered the witch and she rolled something twords me and ran away. I ran after her passing over the strang round thing and next thing i knew i was ontop of Kid with a scraped knee." I had also told him about the heavyness i had felt as i passed over it. He tilted his head to the side and sighed. "Well you'll have to stay with Kid untill we figure out what happened. Oh and what was your name again?" I sighed and answered 'Asura' and all he said was ohkay and walked out. I sinced a coldness with his ohkay though, he didnt like the name, or maybe he just didnt like me.

"So Kid, you gonna show me where you live or am i gonna have to guess?" I said with a slight grin. "Oh and dont worrie about me messing up your symitry. I'm just as obsessed with it as you are." His eyes lit up, like i had said the magic word or something. I giggled and he walked me out of the room and then out of the school. As we walked, we had a little bit of small talk hear and there. Liz and Patty were going to show Lace and Matty around for today. We make it to his house and it looked just like my house, but the inside of the house was black and white. And mine was white and black.

I ran in and ploped down on his couch smiling, "So where will i be sleeping?" I asked him pulling him onto the couch laying my legs over his. He points to a door behind us, i got up and opeed it seeing a long hall way. "Its down the hall second to last door on the right, right across from my room just incase you need anything." He flashed me a smile and for some reason it made me blush. Iv lived with two guys for most of my life, why am i blushing when Lace has said the exsact same thing to me before..

He jumped over the couch and walked over to me, wraping his arm around my sholders. "And the boys rooms are there and there." He pointed to the side by side rooms which im guessing are across from Liz and Pattys rooms. "Sounds good!" I was starting to get nurvus with him being so close i ran off to my room to wait for the boys to get here. But surprizingly i passed out soon after i layed on the bed.

And there goes it for Chapter 1, please leave comments and stuff. I hate not knowing what you guys think about it Dx

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