Chapter 3

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It felt like I had been running for almost 2 hours, but it had only been about 30 mins. I spotted a bench and sat down catching my breath. Why would he do that? It just didn't make any sense, we had just met and we are basicly the same person. I rubbed my temples not wanting to think about it any more. I layed down on the bench hoping he wouldn't come looking for me. He didn't but then I heard a "There you are!" down the street. I sat up real quick and saw Soul running twords me. 

"What the hell happened?!" He shouted at me, not angerly but still stern. I sighed not wanting to share the event cause i didn't feel like thinking about it. It's not that it was a bad kiss, it just surprized me. So I made up a lie. " I just wanted to go for a run and got lost, thank god you found me tho." I put on a fake smile and he laughed. I was hoping he didn't  already know what happened, but I'm glad that if he did he didn't call me out on my lie. The other Soul would have right away.

I got up off the bench and walked twords him, I yawned being rather tired. He saw that and without even asking picked me up bridal style and chuckled. I didn't mind, I really didn't wanna walk all the way back to Kids house, assuming it's far off from where we are. I fell asleep in his arms and was lightly awakend by a soft bed being placed under me, I said thank you not sure if I said it aloud or just in my head and then doozed back off to sleep. 

I woke up the next day not wanting to get out of bed. It was a school day for everyone else but me and the guys. But I still didn't wanna get up. I stayed in bed for a good 2 or 3 more hours before the guys came in to get me. "Asura, get up and out of bed you're wasting the day away!" Matty came in shouting at me to get up. I growned at him and pulled the covers over my head. He of course ripped the blanket off me compleatly and then I was cold. I sighed and lifed my head up with a frown plasterd across my face. 

"awwww no frowns my dear only smiles." I glared at him and got up and went straght to the bathroom. Matty was the only one that was okay with waking me up, I don't really know why, but he's also really the only person that can get me out of a funk. Like the one I'm in now. I turned on the cold water in the shower and just got in, clothes in all and just stood under the water. There was a knock on the door, "yeah?!" I shouted over the water running noise. "Need me to get your clothes?" I took them off and tossed them at the door with a loud thump, i heard a laugh and then the door opened and then closed. 

I finished off my cold shower and steped out drying myself off and wraping myself in a towel. Steping out of the bathroom, I see my clothes neatly placed on my bed all nice and dry. I giggled only putting the shirt on, not really in a pants wearing mood today. I left my room and went straight to the TV and ploped down on the couch flicking the TV on flipping Through the channels untill I found cartoons. Matty and Lace join me with some snacks. We spent the rest of the day and night on that couch. Kid never came home which ment he was on a mission, the house was pretty quiet tho. Kind of uneasy for some odd reason, I didn't think anyone could into the house undetected but I cuold be possible I guess.

I got up to go to the bathroom, and on my way there it really felt like someone was following me, I didn't like it at all. There was a painting on the wall and I used that as an excuse to look the right of me, and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone. But only for a slight second, but that was enough for me. "Whos there!?" I shouted down the hall. No answer, that made me more uneasy. Not wanting to make any more noise so that the boys could hear me i decided to wait till Kid got home to ask anyone about it. 

For all I know it's a normal thing. I made it to the bathroom and used it, while washing my hands I splashed some water in my face, I could just be going crazy cause this isn't my time line after all. I was actually getting tired so I ran back into the livingroom and told the guys goodnight and went back to my room. I layed in my bed rethinking about what I saw in the hall way. It looked like a human but I could be wrong, It was dark after all. I passed out after that thought and had a dreamless sleep.

:soooooo this is sooo late, I started writing the chapter like right after 2 and just now finished it, It's short cause I thought the endding was rather well thought out. hope you all like it <3:

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