Chapter 1

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"What is that ?" The disgusted, flanged voice was distinctly Turian.

"I don't know." Someone else answered. "Looks like an Asari... But deformed?"

"What's that on its head? Is that fur?" The third voice was full of curiosity.

Garrus Vakarian stopped to listen to the voices when he noticed a group of citizens crowded around something. He had been ordered to patrol the docks for his shift that cycle. Curiosity overtaking him, the officer made his way over to the crowd.

The turian noticed him first.

"Officer." The turian greeted and respectfully nodded to him. He had orange colony markings with light colored plates. He stepped out of his way so Garrus could see firsthand what all the commotion was about. The C-Sec officer's eyes widened at what saw lying on the ground.

It was an unconscious alien. One that he had never seen before. The voice from before was right, this creature did look like an Asari. It had five fingers, chest bumps, and the same general body shape. But this alien was a different color and had some type of fur growing on its head and even above its eyes.

The alien was lying on its back, its clothing covered in red, likely its blood. The only other species that had red blood were Quarians and Batarians, Garrus remembered. Now that he thought of it, didn't Quarians also have fur that grew on the tops of their heads? It wasn't common knowledge as most everyone never saw a Quarian outside their suits.

Shaking off his wandering mind, Garrus focused back on the alien. Thankfully he could see that it was alive. Its chest rising and falling in slow, deep breaths. Garrus wasn't sure on the extent of its injuries but he knew getting it some help would be the best course of action.

"Did anyone think to call for some medical aid, or have you all lost your wits gawking at the alien?" Garrus growled.

"Uh... Sorry officer. We were just surprised and... I don't think anyone made a call..." An Asari admitted haltingly.

"Clear the area but stay nearby. I'll need to ask you some questions as to what happened here." Garrus commanded. The crowd began to disperse at his order, shooting looks at the alien as they left. Most didn't go too far, wanting to see what would happen next.

"Officer Vakarian here. We have a situation down at the docks. I found an unidentified species of alien but it's wounded and unconscious. Requesting a medic and immediate backup."

"Understood Vakarian. I'll be there with help. ETA five minutes." The voice of his superior crackled in his ear.

Garrus kneeled down beside the alien and pulled out a medi-gel packet. He checked its body for a small wound, finding many on her arms. He tore open the packet and gently applied the substance to a cut. He needed to make sure there would be no negative reaction to the gel before applying more. When the cut sealed without any trouble he applied more of the medi-gel to the alien's other wounds. There was what looked to be a bullet wound on her side but it seemed to have been treated already and then hastily bandaged by some material ripped from her shirt.

As he finished applying the medi-gel, Executor Pallin arrived.

His superior quickly took control of the situation, getting the alien on a stretcher and on its way to the nearest hospital. Several Salarian and Asari nurses went with it.

Pallin then ordered Garrus to get the witness reports.


"Did you see how the alien came to be here?" Garrus asked one of the citizens from crowd. It was an Asari, but not the same one he had spoken to.

"Yes, actually! My sister and I were passing by when we saw a damaged ship docked over here. Some Krogan and a Turian came out of it. They looked like mercenaries to me. They were carrying something out but when they saw us they just dropped it and ran back to their ship. left almost immediately after that."

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