Part 8- people are strange

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„Wow! How'd you know?" the gyn asked astonished.

She stares at my MRI picture on her monitor and says: „The tumor is far to small to palpate it." She shakes her head in disbelief.

I look out of the window, admiring the Manhattan skyline and shrug.

„I just had an inspiration."

„It was heaven sent. You won't need chemo, surgery will be enough. Maybe radiation, will be done easily!" she explains and turns to me.

I nod. Right after moving to New York I had my breasts checked, that was four weeks ago. Now we have all the results together. Mother implies: „I know a clinic in Switzerland which is brilliant treating breast cancer. Do you really want to get your treatment here?"

I sigh. This, again! I answer: „I don't want to leave Ella and Jay alone for such a long time after all they'd gone through. Especially Jay needs me now, and you know about that, Mom."

Mother looks at me thoughtfully.

„You've always stayed with your grands, it didn't hurt you. But...maybe times changed. Doctor, promise me to give my beloved daughter the best treatment she can get!"

The gyn nods.

„Don't worry. We detected the tumor right on time. Your daughter will be fine."

And yes, you can't compare it to what I experienced in my dream or vision or whatever it was. I decide for a double mastectomy and so I don't need radiation as well. Because the lymph nodes were okay, too. After a few weeks for recovery I'm able to look for work. Of course my parents are ranting about this, they want me to stay at home for a year and then work for their company. But at home I have too much time to think about the strange vision I had. And about Ben and his twin brother...I had the strong urge to ask Ben about him but I refused. He never answered to my message and I'd never wrote again, last thing I know is that he was in a relationship with Laura, the former patron I beat up in my vision. My colleagues from Kansas City told me. After that I asked them to not tell me anything about Ben, because he wasn't my patron anymore and we should keep our professional discretion.

The only thing I really miss is Lynn. In Kansas City only four hundred miles were separating us, now it's over thousand. Of course I could visit her or the other way around, but she found a new job recently. I told her everything about what I experienced during the intoxication and she was very impressed. Because she believes in paranormal events and thinks that I got a second chance to change my life. Well, I understand the first part of the vision, but the trip to Iceland is still a mystery to me!

But eight month later I stopped contemplating about this as well. I haven't forget, but it doesn't haunt me anymore. I'm working for my parents as they wished to and it's okay, I like it. Right now I'm busy planning my birthday party with my mother...or more, my mother tells me how she wants it to be. We're discussing the guest list when my phone rings. Ella jumps towards it, she's expecting a call from her bff in Kansas.

„Mom, it's Alex," she murmurs in disappointment and hands me the phone.

Mom sighs in distress and Ella winks at me. No, I don't want to have New York's Best List on my party! I say hello to my former colleague from Kansas.

„Hi, Alex. Long time no see, nice to hear from you."

„Hi, sorry for bothering you. I know you're busy but this is important. Remember Benjamín Hjartarson? He died in a car accident, two days ago. Problem is, the phone numbers of his family he gave us are wrong. I can't reach anyone. So we have to care for his funeral. It will be an anonymous grave and I think it's cruel somehow. You know his case, don't you?"

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