Not You

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Keith POV

"Yes! We owned the galra back there!" Hunk shouted as everyone entered the common room, except lance but I brushed it off as him sleeping.

"Yeah they were practically begging for mercy." Pidge giggled

"Man your an evil gremlin." I retorted.

"Shut up, mullet." She said back.

"Nope, sounds wrong, only lance can call him that." Hunk chuckled earning a small punch from pidge.

"Where is lance anyways?" Shiro butted in.

"Probably sleeping." I stated.

"I don't think so, usally he'll come in and brag about something cool he did." Pidge let out a nervous chuckle.

"Let's go check his hanger then." Hunk suggested.

We all walked in a weird scilence fearing the worst, we walk in and see blue laying on the floor she looked weak from what I could tell, so I sprinted over to her and slipped into her open mouth, and into the cockpit.

"LANCE?!" I yelled tripping onto the control panel.

"Lance?" I look around, he is nowhere to be found.

"Keith? Is he in there?" I hear shiro shout.

"N-no." I feel the tears brimming my eyes.

***4 months later***

Still keith POV

We've been looking for 4 months, nothing, we still don't know what happened, pidge tried to watch the surveillance in the blue lion but it cute out from when lance was there to when he wasn't, coran and allura have been doing the same thing with the castle but still nothing.

"Keith, get ready we'll be invading this base in a few minutes." Coran said over the intercom in my room.

"Okay." I responded weakly.

Missions these past months feel wrong without lance, he's my right hand man, and he's just. Gone.


"Keith I'm gonna need you to take down these centries while pidge and hunk sneek by, I will be following them, can you handle it?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah, I got it." I say rushed.

"Keith, are you okay." He asked concered.

"Yeah, I'm good." I say giving him a fake smile.

"Alright." He said walking over to pidge and hunk, I knew he didn't believe me but we had to get on with this mission.

"Everyone in place?" Allura asks over the Com.

"Yes." I responded rather quickly.

"All set." Says pidge.

"Ready." Hunk said cheery.

"We're all ready princess." Shiro says, I hear his arm start up.

"Alright everything is in place, go!" She yells.

I start running to the door I'm supposed to go through, I stab at least 7 centries then move on to the next door, I do the same thing for another 2 doors, this brings back blade of marmora memories.

I walk through the final door to see something I'd never expected to see.

"Lance?" I ask calmly not believing my eyes.

He turns around, and stares daggers into my heart, his eyes no longer the beautiful ocean blue I loved, now a neon purple filled his eyes, he gave me a bone chilling smirk.

"Keith kogane, I did not expect you to be here so soon." He sounded so different, his voice deeper and raspier.

"Lance? Wh-" I was cut off by him shooting a blaster at me, I almost didn't dodge the blast, I looked at him, in shock and pull out my sheild.

"Lance! What are you doing?!" I yell, looking back to find he wasn't there, and was in fact behind me.

"Lance? Who's that?" He asked smirking, and kicking me, I slid across the floor and opened my eyes to see him over me, point his gun at me.

"Lance! Please!" I yell trying to get to him.

"Say your last wor- Shut up!" He yelled, I looked at him confused.

"-ds kei-  I SAID SHUT UP!" He yelled dropping the gun and grabbing his head and dropping to the floor infront of me.

"Ke-ith th-eres an earpei-ce in m-y e-ar." Lance tried to get out I jumped into action and ran to him, his eyes flickering purple and blue.

I fought off his attacks as I almost ripped the ear piece out of his ear, I got off of him and stomped on the gadget.

"Keith?" Lance asked, the purple fading from him eyes.

"Lance!" I dropped to my knees and hugged him tackling him in the process.

"Keith!" She shouted back giggling.

I ripped off my helmet and smashed my lips with his, it took him a second to kiss back, but pulled away when he felt my tears, which triggered his tears.

"I love you lance." I said in between crys.

"I love you too keith." He says before kissing me agian.


Okay this is really bad, but I liked the idea, so just go with it, but hey this is cool, anyways I hope you enjoy.


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