I love you

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No one's POV

Lance and Keith, the names that started it all, okay not really but it's whatever, keith and Lance, they are the best together, yet, the only ones who don't know that, are keith and lance, they loved eachother but didn't think the other did, ya know that oblivious shit, well that's why they were in the mess they were in, but before I get there you need to know the slight build up, our story takes place 2 hours before the epidemic.

Lance POV

Today, I'm going on a date, this girl is really nice, or sweet, just everything, that I could think of, but anyways, we're going to some restaurant that she recommended and it sounded cool so I dicided to go with it.

"What about this?" I ask pidge walking out of my bathroom and looking at her laying on her stomach on her phone.

"Add a jacket and loose the scarf, you look really gay with it." She says glancing up from her phone.

I yank off the scarf the grab a jacket hanging in my closet then turn to her for approval.

"Yep." She said smiling.

"Okay, your gonna be on standby if things go wrong, right?" I ask walking into my bath room to fix my hair.

"Yes, me and keith." She says back on her phone.

My heart skips a beat when I hear keiths name, yeah that's how I get someone by having them on standby while I'm on a date with someone of the opposite gender, great.

"Oh shit, I'm gonna be late." I say glancing at my phone.

"Then leave you asshole." She says laughing.

"Why was that so funny?" She asks in between laughs.

"I don't know, but I'm leaving, nyma will probably wonder, so I'm out, later." I say waving, she just salutes me, not bothering to get out of my room, I smile and head out.


I pull up to the restaurant, and notice it's fairly nice, it's kinda like a Dennys but downgraded but I wasn't complaning.

I walk in and see nyma at a table and walk over to her.

"Hey." I say waving, sliding into the booth infront of her.

"Lance? Uh, hey?" She says looking up from her phone.

"Hey, what's wrong? I'm I late?" I asked chuckling.

"No, I thought I called off the date." She said awkwardly.

"Oh, that's odd, I didn't get a call or a text." I said chuckling agian to hopefully lighten the mood.

"Oh, then maybe I texted someone else, uh, I mean I called it off, so you don't have to be here." She said in a rush looking around.

"Oh, I know where I'm not wanted, I'll leave you then." I say smiling and walking out before she said anything else.

I walk to my car, and get it, I just sit there for a moment, until I see her walk out and look around, she scurried across the parking lot, my eyes glued on her the whole time, hoping she didn't see me, then watches as she hugged someone and kissed them for a long amount of time, that's when I got even more upset, I started my car and drove our as fast as I could, I didn't know where I was going, I was just, going.

"Stupid nyma, and her stupid face, and her stupidness." I mumble under my breath, and I continue driving past everything until I drove to the make out cliff, that everyone goes to om there first date, but no one was really there at the moment scince it was pretty early, so I got out of my car and kicked some rocks, then sat on the hood of my car just lookin at the stars forming as the sky turned pink and orange.

"Damn." I say with a sigh, knowing I should probably get going.

I get in my car, and turn the key, the car rumbles then stops, I do it a few more times until it worked, but it never did.

"Dammit!" I yell pounding the steering wheel, I reach for my phone and call pidge, a few rings then nothing.

"Oh my god, she's on her phone all the time why not now?!" I yell, remembering she also said keith.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I say dialing his number then holding the phone to my ear, four rings then I hear him.

"Yes?" He asks slightly bitter.

"Hey I know this is odd, but can you come pick me up at the makeout point me you and hunk took those pictures at?" I ask with a Crack in my voice.

"Fine." I hear after a few minutes.

"Thank you keith." I say before he hung up.

20 minutes later...

I hear a knock on my window and see keith with a bitter face.

"Hey." I say stepping out of my car, smiling but with nothing in return.

"Well I'm here, can we go now?" He asks.

"Uh." I say glancing at the stars then him then stars, then take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." I say, my voice shaky.

"For what?" He asks his expression getting slightly softer.

"For, calling you, after my bad date, I didn't know if I should've called you and I'm sorry." I say softly.

"Agian, why are you saying sorry? It's not like a cared." He says crossing his arms with a slight blush as he looks away.

"Keith, I'm sorry becuase, i, i." I say stuttering not knowing if I'm doing the right thing.

"T-t-today, junior." He says, making me smile.

"BECUASE I LOVE YOU." I say loudly, he just looked at me with a blank stare.

"I felt bad for calling my crush to come pick me up from a bad date, but I didn't think you liked me back, so I've been trying to date other people to get rid of this crush but, it's not working, I love you keith and you only." I say stepping closer and grabbing his hand, he blushed harder.

"I love you keith, I'm going to keep saying it until you say something back." I say smiling.

"Lance, i," he says grabbing my other hand and holding on tightly.

"I love you too." He says smiling, leaning our foreheads together.

"Thank god." I say hugging him, almost in tears.

"Hey, we're at a makeout point ya know?" I say pulling away, but only so our lips were inches apart.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Keith said smiling, and smashed his lips on mine.

It took me a second to kiss back but when I did it was magic, out bodies and lips moved together perfectly and quickly, I pushed him agianst his car and pulled him closer by his belt loops, his arms draped around my neck, playing with the hair on the back of my head.

I slide my knee in between his legs causing him to moan, allowing me to slip my tounge in his mouth and explore, our tounges danced together along with our bodies, my knee still between his legs, my hands on his hips, his hands behind my head pulling on my hair slightly when he gets into the kiss deeply.

We pull apart and I look down to see his little 'friend'.

"Look what you got there keith." I say pointing down and smirking.

"STOP!" He says covering up with his hands.

"Don't you want my help?" I asked flirtatiously, as he grows even more red and nods.

"Yours or mine?" I ask.

"Yours, I got a new car like a week ago." He mumbles, I grab his hands and pull him in the car.

At least my car got one last good use, a fuck space for me and keith.


Okay sorry for no smut, but if you want that then tell me, becuase I'll write it if you want, but for now it's just this, anyways thanks for reaaaadddddijjnnng.


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