Day 1: Stolen Glances

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Keith had never really been in love, but then again, he hadn't known lance all his life.

They were in a meeting, in the garrison when it happened, lance glanced at him and the only reason Keith knew was because he was staring at lance already.

Lance smirked and looked back to the screen, Keith felt his face get warm, he looks away as fast as he can, and as the meeting ends, Keith bolts out before lance can get a chance to talk to him.

Keith was walking through the halls at the garrison until he bumped into shiro, who jumped in shock, Keith stared past him, and mumbles a small apology, and starts to walk away before shiro grips his arm firmly and turning him around.

"What's wrong?" He asks sincerely.

"Nothing. I'm fine." Keith says trying to get out of shiros grip.

"Keith, come on, I'm your brother, I know when something is bothering you." He says smiling softly to comfort  Keith but it only unsettled him more.

"I- uh. Fine, come on." He stuttered our and dragged shiro to his temporary room in the garrison.

Once they were there Keith started ranting.

"I mean I like lance and I don't think he likes me back but he looked at me like he was teasing me but I don't know if he was teasing me, or if he knows I like him, because if he did then he would've done something about it right? I mean he wouldn't tease me right? RIGHT?" Keith kept ranting and shiro sat and listened until he was done and panting.

"That all?" Shiro asked rasing an eyebrow.


"Okay well, how about you talk to lance. I mean who knows he might like you back."

"And jeopardize the team? No way." Keith said crossing his arms and shaking his head.

"Keith come on-" shiro was interrupted by, a knocking on Keith's door, he walked over and opened it, "lance? Oh come in." He said making Keith scream inside.

"Are you guys doing something? I can come back later." He said looking back and forth between the two.


"Nope! I was just on my way out, see you guys later." Shiro said exiting and smiling at Keith before shutting the door behind him.

Keith looked at lance and felt himself taking two steps back.

"Sorry to barge in on you guys like that man, I just wanted to talk to you about something." Lance started.

"Okay, what's up?"

"I'm, thinking of staying on earth. Ya know when we get a new castle and figure out where the altean came from, and when you guys go to find where they came from, I think I'm just gonna stay home." Lance said crossing his arms.

"W-what?" Keith couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"No lance! As your leader I will not allow that to happen." He said fisting his hands and steping forward.

"It's not your dicison keith. It's mine."

"Who's gonna pilot red?" Keith asks, staring to get angry.

"Matt? Axca? You seem to like her a lot." Lance said with a bite to his words.

"What? You think I like acxa?" Keith asks, kinda taken back by the statement.

"Well yeah, you've been together a lot and you guys seem close, maybe you should have her pilot red." Lance says now in a sadder tone.

Keith can't help but laugh at this, he starts laughing and he clutches his stomach because it is quite funny.

"Come on man, that's just mean." Lance says turning red.

"You're an idiot." Keith says after his laughter has died down, he walks closer to lance and cups the side of his face, "I don't like her, I don't like girls in general. I like you lance." He says fondly, rubbing his thumb back and forth on lances cheekbone, lances eyes widen then sofffen, as he leans into Keith's hand, putting his own on top.

"I like you too keith." He says smiling back just as brightly.

Keith can't hold back much longer and pulls lance in, to a sweet Chase kiss, but the best he has ever had, the sparks are all there, he is on cloud nine.

"I want to be with you lance, I want you to stay on the team, we need you," he says all too fondly, "I need you." He says leaning their foreheads together.

"Okay," lance whispers, "I'll stay, for you." He smiles and pulls Keith into another so sweet kiss.

And they are both gone for eachother.

And that is day 1 of positivity week I hope you all enjoyed, I'll see ya tommarow!!


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