Chapter 10

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James and Elizabeth aesthetic^^

Elizabeth and James were walking down the cooridor and James had just realised that she was always wearing long sleeves: he was really concerned. He had to watch her light a cigarette with a look of disappointment.

"Lizzy, you need to stop smoking. Serverely." He said in a quiet voice while she scoffed.

"Like you care. You and my brother can't even along when our sister and your friend could be in danger. My sisters depressed, it feels like Steph's been missing for ages, Angels trying to seduce my brother and you two are too busy arguing. But I don't have any reason to be smoking."

" What has happened to you?! You used to be happy when we were young."  He said and she laughed heartlessly.

"Yeah, that's what you think. But you have no idea." She mumbled quietly. "I was so happy hearing I was the families disappointment, the fact that I had to watch my house burn up in flames while my oldest brother and parents were still in the house. In fact, I'm still so happy that I wish it was me that died that night." She screams; cries in agony. "What has happened to me? I've turned weak."

"You are not weak!!" He yelled in anger. "Don't you ever say that about yourself, got it?"

Suddenly, she started laughing like a maniac and James looked at her like she just shot a monkey and a puppy.

"Your funny these days, James. You're actually hilarious." She continued laughing and then James saw Daniel running up to them.

Daniel quickly smelt her clothing and inhaled because of anger.

"What had she been smoking, Daniel?!" James asked in panic.

"Marijuana." He answered.

She laughed again but there was tears flowing down her cheeks. "I like how you two only get along when I'm fucked up." She was sobbing now. "I-I killed someone."

James and Daniel turned alarmed and panicked. "Who? Who Lizzy?!"Daniel screamed.


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